Hi all guys, i want to sell my elyos gladiator or trade it for a GG gladiator asmo on perento only. ( I ALSO HAVE A SM LVL 56 on SAME ACCOUNT) ( VETERAN ACCOUNT)
These are my stuffs: i will give screenshot only to the interested
ppl who want to Buy/trade it on private msg
Tac Officer Glaive + 10 fused with 55coliseum 2 condi with silence godstone Commander bakarma spear fused with 50elite abyss +10
Tac officer Flatbow fused with 55coliseum 2 condi
Guardian Commander Breastplate +7, Guardian Commander Shouderplates +8
Guardian Commander Gauntelets +1 , Gonon greaves, gauntelets and sabatons
full Elite 50 abyss set +10, karvo helmet , full GBG jewelery lvl 55 eternal
secondary items tac officer shield lvl 55 eternal karhun dagger lvl 60 eternal +godstone 3760 dmg miragent warhammer
350kk kinah many mats to sell to the value of about 60kk , many enchant stones between L90 - L110 to the value of 250kk+
Professions : alchemy 460 about essencetapping 420 about weaponsmithing MASTER 510 aethertapping 499 COOKING MASTER 540 (on the other char, Spiritmaster)
2,000,000 ap about with relics some mithril medal and some insigna, 700 karhun symbols about and miragent title
sorry about these screenshots
i made my best but im really
noob with such things xD