Accepting money over paypal or western union only.
PVP Set: 30.1% PVP Atack 24.1% PVP Deffense
12.000 HP
5.000 MP
625 Atack
2350 Accuracy
570 Crit Strike
1350 P.Def
2250 Evasion
420 Strike Ressist
1200 M.Accuracy
900 M.Suppresion
1700 M.Ressist
710 Atack
9700 HP
6500 MP
670 Crit Strike
These stats are all completly unbuffed.
800.000 Abyss Points
35 000 000 Kinah
1000x Run Scrolls. Atk.Speed Crit.Strike Anti.Shock
700 Fine Recovery Potion 200 Major Divine Life Serums
2200 Courage Insignia + 25 000 Crucible Insignias + 50 Mithril Medals
All Stigmas in WH. Nice Skins on all sets.
Fenris Tittle, Best tittle you can have with Ranger.
Hovering Motion Acquired.
Price is around 250 Euros.
Post your skype name on forum or send me private message if you are interested, we will discuss everything else you want to know on skype.