WTS: lvl50 Assassin FULL pvp geared, EU-Asmo, CE 10/22/2012 - Aion Trading - 2 Replies due to personal reasons i want to sell my precious day1 aion account
the account is pre-order CE and paid till october 4th
edit: never botted/RMT'ed/got banned (was warned once for sneaking into teminon and banned from the official forums several times)
this assassin is truely unique as it was treated with love for months and months! it has a well known status on the server as one of the top pvp-players on asmodian side and is feared by even the best geared elyos
with this char you...
ASSASSIN GG 55 asmo nexus 07/15/2012 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies 3 piece of 50 elite armor 2 coli weapons silence/blind lot of items on him and ap items also
price 100 euro we can talk on skype add me on tsalito-stefanos
and i can show you him via share screan
WTS>55 Cleric-Nexus(Asmo)(Good geared) 07/10/2012 - Aion Trading - 3 Replies Noble horned dragon emperors staff +8 fused with coli 2nd cond. full of M acc 1880dmg2% godstone.
2 Coliseum sets: m boost, block. (Have manastones +14 m resist for 3 set)
Coli mace,coli shield.(used in block set)
Abg jewerly (both rings) other good pve.
95plat medals, 1.2kk+ AP
Handicrafting 500++
Can sell with or without kinah (200kk+)
Crucible insignias 30k
Courage insignias 1.5k
WTS asmo lvl55 very geared ranger - Nexus 05/31/2012 - Aion Trading - 3 Replies Hey, i have geared up my ranger but getting a bit fed up of it now. So was looking to sell it. I have:
Full 55 eternal arena conditioning 1 set, fully socketed with hp+95/critstrike+17 (+1)
Archon bridge general's longbow with stormwings combined, fully socketed, silence godstone (+9)
2x lannoks sword as secondary weapon
2x level 55 gold pvp abyss rings
1x level 55 gold pvp abyss belt
2x debilkarim's eternal corundum earings
Debilkarim's gold corundum necklace
Every single greater...
WTT/WTS Great Geared Assassin Perento Asmo 06/26/2011 - Aion Trading - 4 Replies WTT Great Geared Asmodian Assassin for Similar geared Asmodian EU Cleric/Sorcerer/Chanter
Assassin has full 40 Elite +10 slotted fully with Attack +5 stones
+10 Archon Primus Pilus dagger (55 Gold AP Dagger) With silence GS
+10 Elite Archon Centurions Dagger (40 elite ap dagger) with general GS
Archon Tribunus's Sword (50 gold ap sword) with Paralyze GS
Also has 2 extendable weapons, +10 Alukina sword with immoblize GS
and Lannok sword