WTT/WTS Cleric for Templar/Glad GG (Nexus Asmodian) 04/18/2012 - Aion Trading - 2 Replies Hello there!
Just like the topic says..
My cleric has full c1 arena gear + shield + mace.
Fully socketed with +12/14 mr and has 2150 mr.
Both stigma builds with highest upgraded stigmas.
And.. TONS of consumables.
WTS 55 templar/50 glad Spatalos Elyos 02/01/2012 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies Main: templar 55 lvl
http://gyazo.com/2145ec9c88983af11e6e2216134a2ee9 .png?1327077230
Eternal Abyss 55lvl Greatsword Merged with Master Carved Drenite Greatsword
Zapiel's Greatsword merged with 40 abyss + paralyze godstone
Extendable Hammer with Block +27 / Eternal Abyss 55 lvl Shield with block+27
Beshmundir Templar set with HP+95
Miragent Plate set with Magic boost (for godstone dmg)
40lvl PVP Elite Abyss Plate set with attack+5 and critical+15
WTS Elyos EU Glad. and Templar 09/19/2011 - Aion Trading - 10 Replies UPDATED
There has been added a new Glad., PvE this time.
Hey guys, im selling the 2 accounts of which I am the second owner, one of them is a Templar the other is a Glad..
The Templar has the 17th Months reward, his Mira GS is fused with a PvP one and has the Para GS on it, I have been using the SW GS as a PvE weapon. He also has both Stigma Trees completed, check the screens for more Info.
http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/9989/templarp.jp g...
WTT Elyos Sorc !!! for Glad/Templar/Assassin/Ranger ! 12/04/2010 - Aion Trading - 0 Replies Hello i wanna trade Elyos sorc 53 With 4/5 Miragent (for chest i got 15/20 tear of luck).
Elite 30 tome +15 (will merge with mira)
Miragent Pants
Miragent Gloves
Miragent Shoes
Miragent Pauldrouns
2x 50ap rings
WTB ELYOS LVL 48+ TEMPLAR/GLAD ON AZPHEL 05/17/2010 - Aion Trading - 1 Replies Hello, I am looking to get a high lvl temp or a glad on the azphel server (elyos race). If you have one and are looking to sell it, please give me a shout. They do not have to be amazingly geared, but decent is preferred.