Aion Eu Telemachus elyo veteran acc, 55lvl geared chanter,sin,sorc
55lvl Chanter:
50lvl gold full abyss chain set +10, 55lvl bt eternal full set,weapons: 55lvl eternal +12 Guardian Brigade General`s Staff, 55lvl eternal Coliseum Champion`s Cudgel and Noble Coliseum Champion`s gloves with cast speed, accesory: 55lvl eternal Guardian Brigade General`s Corundum Earring x2, 55lvl eternal Guardian Brigade General`s Lether Belt, 55lvl eternal Guardian Brigade General`s Corundum Ring, 50lvl gold Elite Guardian Tribunus`s Ruby Ring x2, 55lvl gold Guardian Primus Pilus`s Corundum Necklace, 55lvl eternal Noble Chain Coliseum Champion`s Hood, two full greater stigmas tree ( elemental screen and numbing blow), 356ap +127ap in relics, 26gold, 17 silver and 6 plat medals, wearhouse have 109 mil kinah.
55lvl Sorcerer:
55lvl full eternal coliseum set, 55lvl eternal bt set 4/5 , weapons: Noble Coliseum Champion`s Grimore, Master Darkwoter Orb, accesory: 55lvl eternal Guardian Brigade General`s Turquoise Ring x2, 55lvl eternal Guardian Brigade General`s Turquoise Earring, Debilkarim Turquoise Earring, Guardian Brigade General`s Sash, Acsent Spirit`s Ruby Necklace, Divine Coliseum Champion`s Bandana, one full greater stigma tree (glacial), 248ap+242ap in relics, 41plat, 21 gold and 7 silver medals, master alchemy 501/549, essencetapping 389/399
55lvl Assasin:
50lvl gold full Mira set, 50lvl gold abyss lether set 4/5, weapons: 55lvl eternal bt daggers set, 52 lvl gold udas swords set, pve 52-55lvl accesory, 2 greater stigmas tree (one full), 62 ap, 47 plat medals, master cooking 533/549, expert in handicrafting 499/499, alchemy 399/399, tailoring 299/299, aethertapping 266/299,essencetapping 427/499
acc also have two char 10lvl, one lvl13 and one 22lvl, have all types of balic matirials, manastones, enchantment stones, fluxes etc, every char 55lvl have lucky wings, everty char have pet with +18 and +24 space
here you can see screens:Flickr: kopotulo's Photostream
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