150USD .
this account is veteran account + 20 month of playing, means that every account you open u get 20 month rewards.
all the gear is +10 and Full Manastones.(crit,accurecy)
4 extra chars between levels 40-30.(Ranger,Sorc,Chanter,Cleric,Asassin)
the gladiator got veporal spear+10 combine with abyss weap , Elite guardian centurion set, +10 on everything.
full abyss lvl 50-55 accseories.
got full miragnet set + weap. (will be used in 3.0 for new armor!)
the account also comes with 220M kinha . (all my items in my inventory is about 500m Kinah
the account is also in one of the best guild on server, the guild is very active.
on the account i got 130k abyss points to spend + 7000 insingia medals + 1500 medals from arena pvp.
weaponsmith 474\499
essencetappint 447\499
aethertappint 472\499
cooking 449\449
full emotes + best stigmas for gladiador.
6 pets + 1 with extra inventory.
the pay will be Through paypal.
the momnt i got the money the account info + passwords + secret questions + pin all will be moved to the buyer.