WTS Black Alistar Skin [A Very Rare and Cool Skin!] 09/07/2013 - League of Legends Trading - 21 Replies http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb200912152108 45/leagueoflegends/images/archive/9/93/20100202203 917!Alistar_BlackSkin.jpg
Hey i ve received my code for Black Alistar a So Rare and so Cool skin so if you play Alistar you can enjoy it
So i am willing to sell this code for the hightest bid (Note:this skin was given to those who had pre ordered the collector edition of the game so its not available anymore (Pre order ended like in jan 2010)
YouTube - ‪League of Legends - Alistar...
[SKIN GUIDE] Make a Cool Skin in 3 Easy Steps! 08/24/2012 - CO2 Guides & Templates - 35 Replies Make a Skin in 3 Easy Steps!
by Dania. Do not copy.
Adobe Photoshop CS3 (Preferably)
nVidia DDS Plugin (NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop (Normal/Cube Maps, DDS))
1) Download this archive of all of the interface files that need to be changed.