WTT 9d G1 acc with RS male perma deco for... 11/10/2010 - 9Dragons Trading - 4 Replies for gold or items in SUN game on kippe server
so make your offfers here or thru pm tnx :)
Sbot to sell - 20usd. (old costumer) 09/28/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 1 Replies So I gotta sbot to sell only thing I care about is money I want to you to go firstly, if you dont like that, gtfo :]
[email protected]
my msn
I got 3 accs...
WTS account with male perm deco!!!! 09/26/2010 - 9Dragons Trading - 3 Replies I'm selling an account with permanent rising dragon deco (M) on Yin server.
price is 20 euros :)
I would make a char on it myself but I'm already gb and i dont want restart :P