4 story / 4 story eg / 4 story vn??? 12/10/2012 - 4Story - 34 Replies Hi i wont to know how much 4storygames it give.
I was playing now
but i cant say that are much player are in game i see some other kind of it what was the best??
I WILL THANK for all answers (SORRY BAD ENGLISH):mofo::mofo:
WTS xbow 83FF Xbow/Bard (csro) 05/28/2010 - Silkroad Online - 7 Replies Hi guys,
So am selling a 83FF xbow/bard in csro, named BanKo in server Alexander (Div 2)
He is full d9, 104K sp left, Dagger And Xbow maxed
Am selling it 15euros (by paypal or moneybooker)
Add me at msn if you are interested
[email protected]
Thanks and good game
WTS xbow 83FF Xbow/Bard (csro) or WTT for SWSRO2 acc 05/16/2010 - Silkroad Online Trading - 7 Replies Hello
I sell my char xbow/bard 83FF with 30Ksp left (dagger and xbow maxxed) division 2 serveur Alexander, he is naked, 5euros with paypal, or I WTT it for an swsro2 account.
Thx and good game :)
WTT 52 XBOW EOS PREM+ 30k SP SOM XBOW +5 07/05/2009 - SRO Private Server - 8 Replies Hi i wanna trade my 57 rogue/cler on eos, prem+,grab pet,sun xbow+5/7dg, avatar (devil wings)
I wanna account on SUNWORLD with all informations and some dill there pm me here or skype bartek.loleddd