[Selling] 4ancient gold (1k for 65€) | 4ancient account 08/16/2019 - 4Story Trading - 0 Replies Hey guys,
I am selling 1000g on 4ancient for 65€!
Ich verkaufe auf 4ancient 1000g für 65€!
I have 5400g at the moment!
Habe zur Zeit 5400g zur Verfügung!
I am selling an 4ancient account too.
Ich verkaufe btw auch einen 4ancient account
[Selling] SELL 4ANCIENT GOLD¡ More than 3k gold 02/07/2019 - 4Story Trading - 1 Replies Hi I would like to sell the gold I have in 4ancient for money, I currently have 4800 gold and richie 22 if you are interested you can talk to me by discord or by private message
:) Thanx guys for read ¡
Actualy i sold the richie and 2k gold
[Selling] 4ANCIENT GOLD 3k GOLD TO SELL 02/04/2019 - 4Story Trading - 3 Replies Hello , Hello I currently have 3k Gold to sell I can get something else if you need, I do not give first in any case I accept half and half, for more information PM
Already i sell 1k Gold, But still 2k Gold