Sell golds/items 4nova and 4vision 06/07/2021 - 4Story - 2 Replies Hi i sell golds and items on 4nova and4vision 55euro 1k gold.
pm me in discord Pirate#7182
[Selling] Sell golds/items 4nova and 4vision 06/06/2021 - 4Story Trading - 0 Replies sell items and golds on 4nova and 4vision 55 euro each 1k gold. contact me on discord. Pirate#7182
♧ [4Nova] Sell/Trade Items + Gold [4Nova] ♧ 02/16/2021 - 4Story Trading - 0 Replies Servus,
Ich verkaufe Gold und +22er PvP Teile auf 4Nova.
verfügbares Gold: ~9000g
1000g = je 25€
5000g+ = je 22,50€