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[Release] WPE Tutorial + Working Exploits

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Arrow [Release] WPE Tutorial + Working Exploits

I made this guide because there is still lot of people who dont know how to use or create WPE filters, how to use CE,...
Some parts are hard to please if its not clear read it again and try to understand...
This tutorial is made for todays emu (yes i know that you could do some amazing things on wowemu/older emus).
Exploits are tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472.
My English is not perfect so if you dont like it shut up and make your own tutorial! (or send me PM and ill try to correct it)


You will need:
(thx to Devalina)
(thx to sd333221)
Some online wow database - i prefer or
WoW in windowed mode (optional but helps alot)
Slot IDs can help you too (credits to whoever made this)

Winsock Packet Editor
First you should know what is WPE and how can it be used. Wpe is packet editor.
It means it can record/modify/block data (packets) sent from/to your wow client.
Image should make it clear:

Some info from :
Winsock Packet Editor (WPE) Pro is a packet sniffing/editing tool which is generally used to hack multiplayer games. WPE Pro allows modification of data at TCP level. Using WPE Pro one can select a running process from the memory and modify the data sent by it before it reaches the destination. It can record packets from specific processes, then analyze the information. You can setup filters to modify the packets or even send them when you want in different intervals. WPE Pro could also be a useful tool for testing thick client applications or web applications which use applets to establish socket connections on non http ports.

Cannot download/unpack WPE PRO properly? Official page has answer too:
Many anti-virus programs detect WPE Pro as a Virus or Trojan, however it is not. Some anti-virus programs will even go so far as deleting the file from your computer when you extract or, not let you run the program. To get past this, you'll simply need to disable your anti-virus program when you plan to use WPE Pro.

Server\Client side
Next you should know what is server/client side and why is it important.
Server side - everything what is managed by server.
Client side - everything what is managed by client.

Server side:
Database - informations about everything ingame (players, items, creatures, objects)
Scripts - quest scripts, boss scripts, other scripts
Other machanics - buying/selling, mailing, auctioning, casting, chatting,... (alot more)
Server side checks - checks actions (requests) made by client

Client side:
Player position, moving, actions... (those requests are sent to server and executed by server)
(probably some other which i cant think of right now)

Client side - some information like chat messages, position of all objects around player,... are sent to your
client without any restrictions. Its your client who checks languages, allows/disallows you to track objects and so on.
You can read/modify memory of you client. You can also modify packets received by your client.
You can use those methods to gain some advantage (with WPE/CE/WEH you can understand any language, track everything ingame,...)
Your client can also send requests and other data to server.
Its your client who tells to server what is position of your character and so on.
(Thats why WEH can teleport you, make you move faster, fly,...)
Serverside - you should understand that server has its database.
This database keeps informations about almost every aspect of the game.
Requests/actions are sent by your client. But you can modify those requests with WPE. Thats why serverside checks exist.
Serverside checks are made to protect server from disallowed (modified) requests. But not everything is checked...

Serverside checks:
Items check - no you cant "transform" one item into another item
(server knows what items do you have in your inventory/bank/whatever - its stored in servers database)
Vendor check - no you cant buy any item from vendor
(server keeps information about items sold by vendor, attemp to buy item which is not sold by vendor = fail)
Trade/Mail/Auction check - you cant send more gold than you have + items check
(server knows exactly how much gold/tokens/whatever do you have)
Spells check - you can cast only learned spells, you can swap already learned spells, you cant learn any spell from trainer
(no you cant swap some spell with hand of dead or other uber spells)
Stats check - no you cant make your stats incredible high
(server knows your stats and any change is only visual)
Amount check - no you cant send/mail/trade more than you have
(server knows exactly amount of items in stack - items check)
There is tons of other checks...

Example (image) of serverside check:

So how to record packets with wpe?
1. Run your WoW client, login
2. Open WPE PRO
3. Target your WoW
4. Press record button
5. Do some action ingame (for example move your Hearthstone)
6. Press stop button
7. Get results
Tip: Its also good idea to disable logging of received packets (WPE Window->Wiew->Option->Uncheck "recv" and "recv from"). In most cases you need only sent packets to be logged...


I logged some packets but what do they mean?
There is not simple answer for that. Try to analyze them:
1. Do some action ingame (for example cast spell) and log sent packets
2. Repeat, repeat, ... (not necessary if you are sure you did everything right and logged right packets)
3. Ignore always different offsets (first 6 or 7 offsets) and always different packets
4. Try to find some identical offsets (those are important)
5. Do same action in little different way (cast another spell or change target of your spell) and log sent packets again
6. Repeat if necessary
7. Some of the identical offsets from step 4 should change
8. Congratulations you just got your spell id (in case of different spell) or your targets id (in case of different target)

I got spell ID so what?
You need to think "out of box". You can actually swap spells (or something else).
Swap healing spell/buff with damaging spell and you can kill yourself or your own faction.
Swap damaging spell with buff/heal and u can buff/heal your enemy.
Swap "spell with no global cooldown" with "instant cast spell with no cooldown but with global cooldown" and you can remove global cooldown.
Try to find some place where you can be alone and try to make "start logging"+"do action ingame"+"stop logging" proccess as fast as possible. It will reduce number of logged packets.
Other possibilities:
Can i get/swap only spell ID?
No you can get/swap tons of other things like target id, item id, slot id, player id,
amount of gold/items/whatever, your ingame coordinates, etc.

Get IDs
Do i have to always log packets to receive ID of spell/item?
No. You can get IDs (not IDs of players) from some online WoW database.
1. Find some spell/item/talent/...
2. Separate number at the end of link
3. Convert that number to HEX and flip pairs (or put that number to wpe pro converter)
4. Profit (use in filter)

Tip: You can get spell IDs also directly ingame with macro/punistool. But you/someone has to cast that spell ingame.

Ok so i got two spell ids and i want to swap them. How can i do it?
Its really simple:
1. Open wpe, target your WoW.exe
2. Doubleclick on "Filter 1"
3. In search in right offset (for spells in WoTLK its 008|009) put id of first ("swap from") spell
4. In modify in same offset put id of second ("swap to") spell
5. Uncheck Recvd/RecvdFrom (you dont need it now)
6. Choose filter name and click Apply button
7. Now check box next filters name
8. Click "ON" button
9. Go ingame and cast first spell

Filter will change HEX of first spell to HEX of second spell. So instead of first spell second spell will be casted.

Save Filter(s)
I made some filters but i dont want to loose them...
So go and save them:
1. Make some filter(s)
2. Click "Save As" button
3. Choose destination and name for file
4. Click "Save" button

Load Filter(s)
I downloaded some filters but i dont know what to do with it...
Its pretty simple:
1. Open wpe, target your WoW.exe
2. Click "Load a Filter" button
3. Find filter
4. Press "Open" button
5. Your filter is loaded now but you need to select it first so check checkbox next to filters name
6. Click "ON" button
7. Go ingame and profit

Now you should be ready to make your own filters.



Good old mage arcane explosion pwn (not tested since WoTLK came out):
1. Get lvl24+ mage
2. Swap Counterspell with Arcane Explosion
3. Spec into Arcane Concentration (Rank 5)
4. Find group of mobs
5. Spam Counterspell and pwn everything with Arcane Explosion
(Tested PRE-TBC and TBC)
(Untested WOTLK)
Counterspell has no global cooldown. So Counterspell/Arcane Explosion swap removes global cooldown
from Arcane Explosion (or other insta cast like Ice Lance). But arcane explosion can hit multiple targets.
And more targets = bigger chance to proc Arcane Concentration. So your next spell costs no mana.
On servers with no antihack and "not flying mobs" you can make (most likely with speedhack and flyhackin instance) or find
some big group of mobs and kill them from air in like 1 leveling or farming
You need target (yep it has one "not so big" dissadvantage)
Make macro for Counterspell spamming. Something like:
/cast Counterspell
/cast Counterspell
/cast Counterspell

Honorless target buff anytime (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Swap any of your spells to
2. Cast your swapped spell
You can piss off ppl in PVP
WoTLK offsets 008|009
TBC offsets 007|008
WPE HEX for Honorless target is AF|09
you can use it with "cast any spell periodically"

Cast any of your spells periodically without autoclicker (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Get some companion
2. Swap your summon companion spell with any other spell you can cast (for example summon Cockroach to honorless target )
3. Select and enable filter
4. Select your swapped companion (in my case Cockroach) in your "companions window"
5. Close "companions window" and use this macro:
/run CompanionSummonButton:Click() t=0; q=CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent);q:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(s, e) t=t+e; if t>30 then t=0; CompanionSummonButton:Click(); end end)

Summon companion spell has no cooldown (but has global cooldown ), can be casted in combat, and can be clicked with macro...
You can make it buff you automatically
You can find list of companions here:
How to convert/get ID of any spell (works for summon companion too) is already written in tutorial
To stop macro from working use this macro: /run q:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
t>30 means anytime its longer than 30 seconds click summon companion button. So change 30 (seconds) to any other number to fit your buff duration.

Make your target(s) to attack someone/something else (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Get lvl 70+ hunter
2. Swap some offensive ability to missdirection (i swap Arcane Shot (Rank 1) to Missdirection)
3. Cast swapped spell (Arcane shot (Rank 1)) on your target
4. Your target is buffed and your Threat is redirected to him
5. Attack some different target
6. Watch them fight and make /laught at them

Normally you can use Missdirection only on party/raid members. Spell swap allows you to cast it on other targets...
Possible use:
(Untested) Buff boss and attack up to 3 trash mobs. They will go and fight boss. Can be repeated every 30 seconds (missdirection Cooldown)
(Untested) Go raid enemy city. Buff some enemy player and attack guards. They should attack him. Hes friendly to them so he cant fight them back.
(Tested) Make fight two trash mobs and try to guess winner
If you need loot make sure you did like 50% damage...otherwise you cant loot (ninja protection)
You can use multishot to hit and redirect 3 targets at once
I tryed to buff and attack same target. It does nothing so dont waste your time

Teleport/Desync anyone (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472)
This one is fun you can "desync"/teleport anyone:
1: Get your ID
2: Get ID of your victim
3: Make filter and swap those IDs
4: Go to ship and enable filter right before you change maps
5: Move on ship
(You need to know how to record packets with WPE so learn how first...its somewhere in tutorial)
You change your id right before map change. So when you move "on the other side" (map) it does not actually move you but your target (you changed id).
So its like you are still staying on same place on ship and not moving. But instead of you its your target whos moving on the ship.
This will make everything (NPCs, objects, players,...) around your target to dissapear (when hes not moving) or dissapear/appear/dissapear/... (when hes moving)
You can actually teleport your victim. Thats in case hes "out of sync" when you are changing map with ship...
(tested) You can teleport your friend (even cross map teleportation)
(tested) You can piss off someone who you hate (im sure this can work even on GM)...
(untested) You can wipe raid (choose tank or healer) :thumbup:
Dont do this on your main char...use proxy/vpn make another account with lvl1 (orc/troll) take hidden path, swim and you are in ratchet in like 4 minutes...
If you teleport your target he will be axactly on same place as get ready for reports :P
This is messing with teleportation. So its possible that you or your target can get dc/ban on servers with teleport detection.
This should work for any ship or zeppelin changing maps...

Cheat Engine (CE)
CE allows you to search and modify your WoW memory. In CE you can search for any value (HP/Mana/gold/...) and also for IDs (not converted for WPE). In most cases the change is only visual. But there are some exceptions. One of them is:

"Death bug" (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Open WoW and login
2. Open CE
3. Select your WoW
4. Go ingame and get full HP
5. Search for your HP value
6. Go ingame and die
7. Perform next search for 0 value (you are dead = 0 HP)
8. Copy results to the adress list
9. Change value to 50000 (any >0 value should work)
10.You are living death but you cant move so perform and cancel logout
11.Now you are dead but you can move and attack (with spells/autoshot/pet/...)

At the end of the search you should get only few (like 3) results (adresses). So chances for crashing your WoW should be minimal...
This is kinda repost but with little different steps (i hope)
There is also WPE version of this but imho it does not allow ressurect yourself...
Dont freeze found can kinda bug your character...
Everyone can see your moving dead you can be reported/banned pretty fast
After some time (6 minutes?) you will be teleported to spirit healer (thats "release spirit" autoaccept)...
Your mana wont regenerate
You cant melee attack
You can hardly kill something (mobs hp regenerate fast)
You have to search for your HP with CE again after relog
You can explore/avoid mobs
You can collect quest items,...
You can open chests,...
You can ressurect yourself
You can also PVP melee, no mana ragen, most usefull for hunters with pet/autoshot
You can lvl your alt/friend...all XP go to him

Ressurect yourself (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Do deathbug
2. Select ressurect spell (make it so you have to choose target)
3. Dont cancel spell, go to CE and change HP value back to 0
4. Go to your WoW and select your dead body as a target of your ressurect spell
5. Accept and get ressurected
You can skip trash mobs and ressurect at boss, etc.
(usefull on servers with antihack)

No tool
There are also exploits which reguire no tools. Example:

Hunter - improved aspects bug (Tested on TrinityCore2 Rev: 5472):
1. Get dual talent specialization
2. Spec into improved aspects (Improved Aspect of the Hawk, Improved Aspect of the Monkey, Aspect Mastery)
3. Dont spec into those talents in your second talent spec (use those talent points in different way)
4. Enable spec with improved aspects and cast/get aspect of dragonhawk
5. Enable second talent spec
6. Now you keep improved aspects
Changing talent spec does not remove already used aspect from hunter. So u can keep improved aspect even after relog...
Works until you change aspects...even after relog
Its nothing special but its like 190 free attack power and 6% dodge + you can spend those 9 talents on something else.

Even macros can be exploitable...example?

Already mentioned autocast:
1. You can find it somewhere in list of exploits

Show guild setting (normally avalible only to highest guild members - GuildMaster,...)
1. Open your guild tab in social window
2. Use/enter this macro/script:
/script GuildFrameControlButton:Enable();
3. Click Guild Control button
4. Now you can see guild settings (u cant change them because you dont have the rights)

Show guild bank inventory (must be visited once and does not allow operations with items) and its content
1. visit guild bank and look at all tabs
2. Go anywhere and use/enter this macro/script:
/script GuildBankFrame:Show();
3. Now you can see guild tabs and its content

Other usefull macros:

Macro for ingame coordinates without addon:
/script px,py=GetPlayerMapPosition("player")
/script DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(format("( %s ) %i,%i",GetZoneText(),px *100,py *100));
Macro for spell IDs ingame:
/run local f=CreateFrame("Frame","f") f:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED") f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, ...) local a,b=select(9, ...) if(b) then c=format("%.4X",a) ChatFrame1:AddMessage(b.."--"..a.."--"..c) end end)
Just to make it clear...those tutorials are completely free and you dont have to pay for it

You are allowed to share those exploits and tutorials anywhere but use my links please and dont reupload.
Thx for reading till the End and have fun!
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Old 09/01/2009, 15:00   #2
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If this is realy your own post, you get a big thanks for this from me ! Very nice guide and very nice first post thank you !

But one thing:
Im not very up to date but last time i checked wow (last month somedays) the Item change wasnt fixed.. or serverside checked.. you cant change than to another item and wear it, thats clear, but you can change your items to quest items maybe or other usable items, cause you can change your item clientside to every item you want, but if you wear it it wont have any effect cause the server know its only a tooth or something but as i said, changing in usable items is not affected by serverside checks i think.
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Old 09/01/2009, 16:33   #3
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Originally Posted by TheX View Post
If this is realy your own post, you get a big thanks for this from me ! Very nice guide and very nice first post thank you !

But one thing:
Im not very up to date but last time i checked wow (last month somedays) the Item change wasnt fixed.. or serverside checked.. you cant change than to another item and wear it, thats clear, but you can change your items to quest items maybe or other usable items, cause you can change your item clientside to every item you want, but if you wear it it wont have any effect cause the server know its only a tooth or something but as i said, changing in usable items is not affected by serverside checks i think.
Yep my first post on this forum

Well i know about changing item into lets say Area52 bomb, Shard of the Earth and so on. But it works only on shitty servers (like mond wow together with edited cache). But trying this on newest Mangos/Trinity core = epic fail. Mangos/Trinity (can be just my opinion) is hardest to exploit and this guide is made for those cores . Reason is simple all information about players, their inventory and items (even usable effects) is stored in servers database. Thus changing item into another item with some usefull usable effect just cant work... And even if you could change some item into lets say Area52 bomb, Trinity has included restrictions for using of those items... So Area 52 can be used only in Hellfire Peninsula, Shard of the Earth can be casted only on right targets (some quest mobs) and not on you and so on...
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Old 09/02/2009, 01:48   #4
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Poxa, Good post, I´m home Brasil!!! e like play wow, very post, I aprentice very. Tanks.
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Old 09/03/2009, 11:11   #5
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great tut

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Old 09/06/2009, 14:18   #6
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Old 09/09/2009, 14:42   #7
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Originally Posted by azaaza View Post
Who/Where/What/How leeched?
Try to be more specific next time...
Anyway gratz to your first (one word - spam) post

Originally Posted by gugugyn19 View Post
Poxa, Good post, I´m home Brasil!!! e like play wow, very post, I aprentice very. Tanks.
Im glad it helped

Originally Posted by RuBiiRuBe View Post
great tut

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Old 09/09/2009, 19:34   #8
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hi i tried this guide.. .and i tried doing the spell change on my server... but it did not worked... i want to know more can any 1 help me.. i mean can some 1 guide me more deaply on this i am really intrested to do all these thing... currently server on which i play is running on 2.4.3 version.. and soon will get upgraded to WoTLK??

I know this may sound stupid... but i am quick learner and i want to help every 1...
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Old 09/09/2009, 21:33   #9
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it works.. thanks..

btw i've tried to change honorless target with another spells.. but its no effect..
any solution for what spell can i change with honorless target?!

umm.. sorry for my eng..
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Old 09/10/2009, 13:18   #10
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Originally Posted by yash4k View Post
hi i tried this guide.. .and i tried doing the spell change on my server... but it did not worked... i want to know more can any 1 help me.. i mean can some 1 guide me more deaply on this i am really intrested to do all these thing... currently server on which i play is running on 2.4.3 version.. and soon will get upgraded to WoTLK??

I know this may sound stupid... but i am quick learner and i want to help every 1...
TBC and WoTLK have different offsets for casted spell (spell ID)...
TBC offsets for spell id = 007|008
WoTLK offsets for spell id = 008|009

Another thing is that you can cast/swap only already learned spells (trainer/talent/...). There are some exceptions anyway - one of them is honorless target - but you shouldnt be able to cast them...

There are some improved versions of spells. Make sure you didnt convert id of one of those...

Best you can do is just record packet when casting some will get right offset and right spell id.

Its also possible that spell swapping is fixed on your server (but i dont think so )

Originally Posted by cumalliance View Post
it works.. thanks..

btw i've tried to change honorless target with another spells.. but its no effect..
any solution for what spell can i change with honorless target?!

umm.. sorry for my eng..
What spell did u try to change with honorless target...because one more need to know that spell...
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Old 09/10/2009, 14:50   #11
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Originally Posted by Zl0br View Post
What spell did u try to change with honorless target...because one more need to know that spell...
i tried change honorless target with gm spells.. and it didn't work..

any advice?!
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Old 09/10/2009, 15:52   #12
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Originally Posted by cumalliance View Post
i tried change honorless target with gm spells.. and it didn't work..

any advice?!
It is not possible to use spell ID swapping to cast gm no sorry
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Old 09/10/2009, 16:27   #13
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Originally Posted by Zl0br View Post
It is not possible to use spell ID swapping to cast gm no sorry
ohh.. thanks

btw update please
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Old 09/10/2009, 17:02   #14
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I tried using the Spell Chnage thing on my server,

Help me with this...

as you told me i went according to the guide and got the spell ID for fire blast lvl 1 and fire blast lvl 3... now i trided to chnage Fire blast lvl 1 with fire blast lvl 3 for damage and mana reducing... but it did not happned... insted my hands went glowing... and nothing happens...

Now i want to try something more... coz i have a lvl 14 mage that too i did by flying around in all the places and getting revaling exp :P....

I dont want to sit at one place and keep grinding monsters....

i want to work on WPE for some trick which can help me lvlv up faster....

Also i want to try other things too... but i need your help....
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Old 09/10/2009, 21:54   #15
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Originally Posted by yash4k View Post

I tried using the Spell Chnage thing on my server,

Help me with this...

as you told me i went according to the guide and got the spell ID for fire blast lvl 1 and fire blast lvl 3... now i trided to chnage Fire blast lvl 1 with fire blast lvl 3 for damage and mana reducing...
It does not work like that. You cant reduce mana cost because you actually cast fire blast lvl 3 instead of blast lvl 1. With spell swapping you can get two benefits. You can remove global cooldown and you can cast some spell on friendly/unfriendly target (it means you can cast offensive spell on friendly target and support spell on unfriendly target).
Originally Posted by yash4k View Post
but it did not happned... insted my hands went glowing... and nothing happens...
There are two did something wrong or its fixed on your server (again this tutorial is for mangos/trinity). But its hard for me to guess whats wrong...

Originally Posted by yash4k View Post
Now i want to try something more... coz i have a lvl 14 mage that too i did by flying around in all the places and getting revaling exp :P....

i want to work on WPE for some trick which can help me lvlv up faster....
Fastest leveling is with alt. Get some 80lvl warlock/hunter, make party, do deathbug, kill mobs with pet/aoe, profit (dead char cant receive XP so all go to low lvl).
Originally Posted by yash4k View Post
I dont want to sit at one place and keep grinding monsters....
You can also get some bot...
Originally Posted by yash4k View Post
Also i want to try other things too... but i need your help....
There is not only spell swapping in my tut...also this tut should show you "how to" further research is up to you
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