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Discussion on DIA V | SOULSTEALER VAYNE HEXTECH ANNIE | All Champs | 185 Skins within the League of Legends Trading forum part of the Other Online Games Trading category.

Old   #1
elite*gold: 0
Join Date: Mar 2015
Posts: 418
Received Thanks: 18

Ich Verkaufe meinen sehr wertvollen Account hier, da ich einfach nicht mehr so viel gefallen dan dem Spiel FInde.
Dieser Account Ist wirklich eine Sehr Gute Anschaffung wert, für jeden Skinliebhaber ist hier was dabei!
Der Account hatte noch nie jegliche Bans oder Einschraäknungen Zudem habe ich diesen Account Selbst Hoch gelevlt und geplaced!
Der Account Besitzt alle Champions, zudem 185 Skins (stand: 20-8-16)
Er Besitzt um die 20 Icons, und 14 Ward Skins!!
Champion Masterys -
- Fizz Lvl 7
- Vayne Lvl 7
- Riven Lvl 7
- Jinx Lvl 6
- Shyvana Lvl 5
- Lucian Lvl 5
- Ezreal lvl 5

Elo: Diamond 5!!
150 RP | 915 Ip
16 Runenseiten sind auch noch dabei!

Ward Skins:

Dark Star Ward
El Poro Ward
Mecha Zero Ward
Definitely Not a Ward
Urf Ward
Heartseeker Ward
Sun Disc Ward
Sad Mummy Ward
Gong Ward
Candy Cane Ward
Tomb Angel Ward
Deadfall Ward
Widow Ward


Ahri - Challenger Ahri, Foxfire Ahri
Aatrox - Kein Skin
Alistar - Infernal Alistar, Marauder Alistar
Amumu - Pharaoh Amumu
Anivia - Hextech Anivia
Annie - Sweatheart Annnie, HEXTECH ANNIE, Prom Queen Annie, Goth Annie
Ashe - PROJECT ASHE, Freljord Ashe
Azir - Galactic Azir, SKT Azir
Bard - Elderwood Bard
Brand - Vandal Brand
Braum - Dragonslayer Braum
Caitlyn - Lunar Wraith Caitlyn, Headhunter Caitlyn, Arctic Warfare Caitlyn, Safair Caitlyn
Cassiopeia - Siren Cassiopeia
Cho'Gaht - Battlecast Prime Cho'gath
Corki - Dragonwing Corki, RED BARON Corki, ICE TOBBOGGAN Corki
Darius - Bioforge Darius, Academy Darius, Woad King Darius, Lord Darius
Diana - Infernal Diana
Dr. Mundo - Mundo Mundo, EL MACHO Mundo
Draven - Gladiator Draven, Beast Hunter Draven, Pool Party Draven
Ekko - Sandstorm Ekko
Elise - SKT Elise
Evelynn - Tango Evelynn
Ezreal - Ace of Spades Ezreal, Debonair Ezreal
Fiddlesticks - Spectral Fiddlesticks, Union Jack Fiddlesticks, Dark Candy Fiddlesticks, Risen Fiddlesticks, Surprise Party Fiddle Sticks, Fiddle me Timbers
Fiora - Pool Party Fiora, PROJECT Fiora, Royal Guard Fiora
Fizz - Void Fizz, Super Galaxy Fizz, Cottontail Fizz, Atlantean Fizz, Chroma Pack
Galio - Enchanted Galio
Gangplank - Special Forces Gangplank, Sailor Gangplank, Spooky Gangplank, Toy Soldier Gangplank
Garen - Commando Garen
Gnar - El Lion Gnar
Gragas - Gragas Caskbreaker, Gragas ESQ, Fnatic Gragas
Graves - RIOT Graves, Hired Gun Graves
Hecarim - Elderwood Hecarim
Heimerdinger - Blast Zone Heimerdinger, Piltover Customs Heimerdinger
Irelia - Aviator Irelia
Janna - Forecast Janna
Jax - Temple Jax, SKT Jax, Warden Jax
Jhin - High Noon Jhin
Jinx - Firecracker Jinx
Kalista - SKT Kalista
Karma - Sun Goddes Karma
Kassadin - Cosmic Reaver Kassadin
Katarina - Sandstorm Katarina, ROJECT Katarina
Kayle - RIOT Kayle
Kha'Zix - Guaridan of the Sands Kha'Zix
Kennen - kein Skin
Kindred - Super Galaxy Kindred
Kled - Sir Kled
Kog'Maw - Jurassic Kog'maw
LeBlanc - Prestigious LeBlanc, Wicked LeBlanc
Lee Sin - SKT LeeSin, Knockout Lee Sin
Lissandra - PROGRAMM Lissandra
Lucian - PROJECT Lucian, Striker Lucian
Lulu - Pool Party Lulu
Lux - Imperial Lux, Commando Lux
Malzahar - Shadow Prince Malzahar
Morgana -kein Skin
Maokai - Festive Maokai
Master Yi - PROJECT Yi
Miss FOrtune - Waterloo Miss Fortune
Nami - Deap See Nami
Nidalee - Challenger Nidalee, French Maid Nidalee
Nunu - TPA Nunu
Olaf - Pentakill Olaf
Orianna - Heartseeker Orianna
Pantheon - Slayer Pantheon
Rammus - Ninja Rammus, Chrome Rammus, Freljord Rammus
Rek'Sai - Eternum Rek'Sai
Renekton - Prehistoric Renekton, SKT Renekton
Rengar - SSW Rengar
Riven - Battle Bunny Riven, Redeemed Riven, Crimson Elite Riven
Rumble - Super Galaxy Rumble
Ryze - Tribal Ryze
Shaco - Asylum Shaco, Nutcracko
Shen - Yellow Jacket Shen
Shyvana - Super Galaxy Shyvana, Darkflame Shyvana, Championship Shyvana
Singed - Black Scourge Singed, Augmented Singed, SSW Singed
Sion - Mecha Zero Sion, Hextech Sion
Sivir - Warrior Princess Sivir, Snowstorm Sivir, Warden Sivir, Bandit Sivir
Skarner - Battlecast Alpha Skarner
SOna - Silent Night Sona, Pentakill Sona, DJ SONA
Soraka - Reaper Soraka, PROGRAMM SORAKA
Syndra - Snow DAy Syndra
Tham Kench - Urf Kench
Taliyah - Freljord Taliyah
Talon - SSW TAlon
Taric - Pool Party Taric
Teemo - Happy Elf Teemo, Panda Teemo, Omega Squad Teemo
Tresh - Championship Tresh, DARK Star Tresh
Tristana - Earnest Elf Tristana, Firefighter Tristana, Dragon Trainer Tristana
Trundle - Constable Trundle
Tryndamere - King Tryndamere
Twisted fate - The Magnificent Twisted fate, Jack of Hearts Twisted fate, High Noon Twisted Fate
Twitch - SSW Twitch, Whistler Village Twitch, Vandal Twitch, Pickpocket Twitch
Udyr - Spirit Guard Udyr
Varus - Varus Swiftbolt
Vayne - SOULSTEALER Vayne, Arclight Vayne, SKT VAyne, Aritocrat Vayne
Veigar - Final Boss Veigar
Vel'Koz - Definitely Not Vel'Koz
Vladimir - Count Vladimir, Blood Lord Vladimir
Volibear - El Rayo VOlibear
Warwick - Marauder Warwick
Wukong - General Wukong
Xerath - Guaridan of the Sands Xerath, Scorched Earth Xerath
Yasuo - High Noon Yasuo, Blood Moon Yasuo
Ziggs - Master Arcanist Ziigs
Zilean - Groovy Zilean, Blood Moon Zilean
Zyra - SKT Zyra, Haunted Zyra
Zac - Kein Skin
Vi - Kein Skin
Urgot - kein Skin
Xin Zhado - kein Skin
Yorick - Kein Skin
Sejuani - kein Skin
Leona - Kein Skin
Malphite - Kein Skin
Nautilus - kein Skin
Quinn - kein Skinn
Illaoi - Kein Skin
jayce - kein Skin
Blitzcrank - kein Skin
Aurelion Sol - Kein Skin
Akali - Kein Skin
Viktor - Kein Skin
Poppy - Kein Skin
Swain - Kein Skin

Da ich in Diesen Account 1147€ Investiert habe, Wird dieser auch nicht Grade Billig abgegeben!!
Für die 2 hextech Skins Wurden Ca: 500€ Allein Ausgegeben !

Nach Geldeingang erhalten Sie von mir:
- Loginname
- Passwort
- Zudem ändere ich Die Email von meiner Zu Ihrer!!

DA Privatkauf, kein Umtausch möglich!

volumemaster121 is offline  

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