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[English] Diamond II Player: Ask Me Anything

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[English] Diamond II Player: Ask Me Anything

Starting this AMA thread to help answer some questions for you guys. I was 1700 in Season 1, 2100 in Season 2 and am now Diamond II.

I have a lot of knowledge for junglers, adc and support roles but can answer some of the more general questions for all roles.

This is your chance to ask about matchups, builds, warding or anything else that comes to mind.

Please structure your post like this

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Old 07/13/2013, 09:18   #2
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Question: What can i do after i pushed the first top tower, and have ~30cs and ~3 kills more then my opponent? Continue pushing or help other lanes?
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Old 07/13/2013, 10:10   #3
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Question: How can i carry my Team if they only feed i win my lane 8/0 and than my team only feed and they got too 10/1 12/2 etc. What can i do?
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Old 07/13/2013, 10:13   #4
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Question: i see that u are a challenger 3on3 player. Which teamcombo shall i use on low elo?
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Old 07/13/2013, 12:27   #5

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Originally Posted by Jan' View Post
Current Division: Silver 4
Years of Experience: 1,5
Question: What can i do after i pushed the first top tower, and have ~30cs and ~3 kills more then my opponent? Continue pushing or help other lanes?
You have two options at this point.

1 - Continue Pushing
Grab a ward so you don't lose your lead and keep pressuring the enemy top lane player so he can't farm. You will create pressure in your lane so their jungler will need to come top often to try and kill you. Do not let him kill you, play aggressive but safe. Eventually with enough farm and items you will be able to split push without anyone being able to 1v1 you. The rest of your team can now take objectives freely.

2 - Roam and Take Objectives
If you choose to leave lane and help others, you can force teamfights early and take towers. Being ahead in levels, gold and items, you can help fix any lanes that your teammates lost during lanephase by ganking for them. Keep in mind the enemy top lane will now have the ability to free farm while you're gone, so it's your job to make plays or risk wasting your time.

Ask yourself these questions to make your decision easier:
A - Does your team benefit more from roaming (is your team having a hard time)
B - If the rest of your team is doing fine, will I be able to split push effectively without putting myself at too much risk or put my team at risk for 4v5s?
C - Do I have all the kills on my team? (If you're the only one fed, they NEED you to group)

Originally Posted by LopeHD View Post
Current Division: 5
Years of Experience: 1,5 Years
Question: How can i carry my Team if they only feed i win my lane 8/0 and than my team only feed and they got too 10/1 12/2 etc. What can i do?
Winning your lane doesn't have as big of an impact as you would think in solo queue. If you truly carry your team you will need to roam a lot and gank.

The simple formula for winning Silver games is: push your lane -> roam and gank while your opponent struggles to farm under tower. This is best done with Twisted Fate mid or similar champions with good mobility.

Originally Posted by Fischerfreak View Post
Current division: silver V
Years of experience: 0.5
Question: i see that u are a challenger 3on3 player. Which teamcombo shall i use on low elo?
There are many ways to approach this question, but here's some general info.

The way my team and I play is by applying early pressure, establishing lane dominance and outfarming/outleveling your opponent. One method to use champions that are complete beasts at level 2 (Jarvan, Xin Zhao) to try and cheese your opponent early. Roam often with your teammates to create 2v1 or 3v2 situations. It is extremely hard to farm if you fall behind in 3s, so winning early on secures most games.

Your champion picks won't matter much as long as your teammates coordinate well and gank often. But incase you want some options: Elise, Kayle, Nunu, Singed, AD Sion, Renekton are all good picks. Think "tanky, cc, scales well with levels and items."

Here's a guide that is mostly true about the current 3s meta:
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Old 07/13/2013, 14:46   #6
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Question: How to play aggresive top lane? Even though I play really aggresive laners such as Rengar, Renekton, Riven I barely can take advantage of being strong at early. Even though I start with red pot I can't grab first blood and I get harrased down :/ What advice would you give me?
Q2: Should I always play with TP on top? You know, TP-ing to drakes, helping other lanes
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Old 07/13/2013, 15:50   #7

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Originally Posted by alienTF2 View Post
Current division: Gold V
Years of exp: 5 months
Question: How to play aggresive top lane? Even though I play really aggresive laners such as Rengar, Renekton, Riven I barely can take advantage of being strong at early. Even though I start with red pot I can't grab first blood and I get harrased down :/ What advice would you give me?
Q2: Should I always play with TP on top? You know, TP-ing to drakes, helping other lanes
1 - You need to put in a lot of time playing your favorite champions, the best top laners in the game only have a kit of 4-5 champions max. But they know how strong each one is and at what levels they have an all-in advantage. Take Renekton for example. At level 3-4 he is strongest for early game, while Riven is strong right at level 1.

2 - Know your matchups and how to play against your counters. You will be countered at least 50% of the time. When you get into plat and diamond you can start requesting lane swaps, but in gold you should at least get the feel of playing really 1-sided matchups so you can develop ways to farm under tower or to roam if you're getting beat badly.

3 - If you have time watch streams of other top laners that play your favorite champs. Wingsofdeathx is really smart and talks through his matchups. You can find some of his VODs on youtube if you don't want to tune in to the stream. There are also VODs of his past broadcasts on his Twitch channel.

Q2 - Teleport is chosen specifically to turn your lane into a farm lane, and to focus your strength and efforts on securing objectives like dragon. You sacrifice the kill potential of taking an offensive summoner like exhaust or ignite for the mobility of teleport. If you think you'll have a really easy lane and want to help your team more, then take teleport. If you want to win your lane and focus on getting kills in lane, take ignite.
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Old 07/13/2013, 15:58   #8

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Can you msg me your IG Name? I think I played against you in ranked 3s once
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Old 07/13/2013, 16:55   #9
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Question: Sometimes I get poked really hard from Champions like Lux, Brand or other Champions like Cassio and I don't know what actually to do. They get blue and it's much harder then to push back, because they push me to my tower.
I have to stand at my tower and I really miss many cs then.
So my question would be how I could avoid this?
I've got another question:
I'm a midlaner and my question is about teamfights.
I enjoy playing Ryze and my question would be which role i have to focus in Teamfights?
I know i could peel for my ADC if there are Champions like Nocturne. But can you say me some sceneraios where I have to do what? Would be really nice of you.
Thanks for that AMA. :3
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Old 07/13/2013, 20:32   #10
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Add me on skype have some questions about jungling and adc

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Old 07/13/2013, 23:13   #11

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Originally Posted by ‡ Gatekeeper ‡ View Post
Can you msg me your IG Name? I think I played against you in ranked 3s once
Sorry no can do

Originally Posted by D4rkEn3rgy View Post
Current Division: Silver II
Years of Experience: 1
Question: Sometimes I get poked really hard from Champions like Lux, Brand or other Champions like Cassio and I don't know what actually to do. They get blue and it's much harder then to push back, because they push me to my tower.
I have to stand at my tower and I really miss many cs then.
So my question would be how I could avoid this?
I've got another question:
I'm a midlaner and my question is about teamfights.
I enjoy playing Ryze and my question would be which role i have to focus in Teamfights?
I know i could peel for my ADC if there are Champions like Nocturne. But can you say me some sceneraios where I have to do what? Would be really nice of you.
Thanks for that AMA. :3
Sure, when playing against mid champions that have awesome waveclear, your best bet to avoid getting pushed into your tower. Start auto attacking the minion wave as soon as it gets in range so you can last hit minions way before your opponent is able to shove you under tower. You will still miss some cs but not as much as just waiting until they push you in without taking some minions beforehand.

Especially on Ryze, your pre-6 makes it especially difficult to last hit when facing someone with tons of aoe clear. A Ryze without blue goes oom really fast in laning phase, but get a feel for just how much damage your Q, W and E do so you can use them in combination with auto attacks under tower if you're forced there. Just keep practicing and hopefully your jungler is smart enough to gank your lane when the opponent is overextended.

In teamfights you want to focus the highest threat target that's in range of you. If you are farmed well you want to focus the ADC and any other carries as much as possible without overextending yourself, but also keep an eye on your teammates. While your W can be used to peel for your own team, keep in mind that it is also part of your burst combo and if you have the opportunity to kill off an enemy with your combo, don't worry about peeling.

Here are some Ryze combos. Remember them by heart, because although spamming all your buttons may seem sufficient, you can pull off much more dps when you know what you're doing.

Long Chain

Sustain Opener (if you need to begin spellvamp immediately)
Q -> R then continue chain

Standard Opener (Max Damage)
Q -> E then continue chain

When trading your opponent in lane between last hits
E - > Q -> AA

Make sure your item build is right too.
Open with one of these
Mana Charm + Ward + Pots
2 Wards + Pots
Boots + Pots
Boots + Ward + Pot

Early Game
Tear, Catalyst, Boots

Tear, RoA, Glacial Shroud, Sorc Shoes, Spirit of the Spectral Wraith (optional)

Originally Posted by EduSh0 View Post
Add me on skype have some questions about jungling and adc

Sure I'll add you.
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Old 07/14/2013, 00:32   #12
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Question: I am maining mid and bot lane. Can you tell me what is especially important when thinking about matchups and counters and stuff?
Also, if you had to choose to either pick a counter for the enemy mid or play the champ you like/kind of are in the mood for, which would you choose?

Edit: I played with and against a few diamond ppl before and always noticed the insane amount of game knowledge and calculating or kind of 'clairvoyance' ability. Is there any trick to learn faster or everything just experience from many, many games?
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Old 07/14/2013, 10:01   #13
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Question: What can i do, if they toplaner counters me like Wukong (me) vs Lee Sin and the jungler dont help? I will lose automatic the lane

Sorry for my bad english.
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Old 07/15/2013, 14:24   #14

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Originally Posted by D3luxe. View Post
Current Division: Gold III
Years of Experience: ~1 year
Question: I am maining mid and bot lane. Can you tell me what is especially important when thinking about matchups and counters and stuff?
Also, if you had to choose to either pick a counter for the enemy mid or play the champ you like/kind of are in the mood for, which would you choose?

Edit: I played with and against a few diamond ppl before and always noticed the insane amount of game knowledge and calculating or kind of 'clairvoyance' ability. Is there any trick to learn faster or everything just experience from many, many games?
What's important is playing at least most of the champions a few times, learning when they are weak and strong, and how long the cooldowns are. After a sona uses her power cord for damage she cannot do any real damage for another 5 seconds for example abuse these gaps to favorably win trades. (Think like this: Did Blitz miss a grab? My support and I can now engage safely without at risk of being out-traded.)

If I had the coice to counter pick or play a champ I like, most likely I'd pick the champ I like. Generally I'll be stronger on the champ I favor, and will simply have to adjust my playstyle if it's a hard lane(play safer)

Keep in mind that DYING against your counter will only make your lane harder to farm in, and harder on your teammates when your opponent shows up 10-0 level 18 at 20 minutes. If you get countered or lose a heavy trade from a gank or 1v1 situation, farm under tower and don't die. Have faith that the rest of your team can win their lanes and carry you out of this one.

Originally Posted by .Kreativ'GFX View Post
Current Divison: GOLD III
Years of experience: ~1,5 Year
Question: What can i do, if they toplaner counters me like Wukong (me) vs Lee Sin and the jungler dont help? I will lose automatic the lane

Sorry for my bad english.
Unfortunately some counters are harder than others, this doesn't mean you have to automatically lose your lane though. Avoid his Q combo to the best of your ability and farm safe. His E pushes the lane very hard and with solid last hitting mechanics you should at least be in the ballpark of Lee Sin. You're a much better teamfighter than he is in a lot of comps. Remember, losing the lane isn't a big deal, not feeding is.
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Old 07/15/2013, 21:09   #15
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Question: Position for carrying the team and Champs for it ? (Mid/Jungle with Champs with AoE and CC ?)
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