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Mule Reader für 1.13

Discussion on Mule Reader für 1.13 within the Diablo 2 forum part of the Other Online Games category.

Old   #1
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Mule Reader für 1.13


gibt es mittlerweile wieder ein gut funktinierenten mule reader der das ganze in txt format ausspuckt? bbcode wäre natürlich noch besser

hab über sufu nichts gefunden
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1 User
Old 10/25/2010, 18:06   #2
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Diablo II MuleWriter by Zerker:

is net so burner, aber... nunja.
musst manuell machen, richtet dir aber ne recht ordentliche .txt datei ein.

Muddies Bot hat ne Stashlogging funktion, da musste auf "Insert" bzw "Einfg." drücken und des erstellt dir ne .txt datei mit deim ganzen eq, stash, inventar etc.

der vielleicht einzige nachteil is das des wirklich jedes stat loggt und du am ende ne 3m lange liste hast.
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Old 10/25/2010, 18:12   #3
SparkZ11's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Zerker.jar View Post
Diablo II MuleWriter by Zerker:

is net so burner, aber... nunja.
musst manuell machen, richtet dir aber ne recht ordentliche .txt datei ein.

Muddies Bot hat ne Stashlogging funktion, da musste auf "Insert" bzw "Einfg." drücken und des erstellt dir ne .txt datei mit deim ganzen eq, stash, inventar etc.

der vielleicht einzige nachteil is das des wirklich jedes stat loggt und du am ende ne 3m lange liste hast.
bräuchte mehr sowas wie für 1.12 wo es mit den inventorymananger light ging das war schon genial

per hand will ichs nicht mahen kb 5 acc x 8 chars abzutippen^.^
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Old 10/25/2010, 18:30   #4
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Du kannst die Stashlogging funktion von Muddies D2NT umschreiben
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Old 10/25/2010, 19:49   #5
SparkZ11's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ldevil View Post
Du kannst die Stashlogging funktion von Muddies D2NT umschreiben
wenns nichts gibt wird mir wohl nichts anderes übrig blieben wobei dann könnte icha uch den iml updaten
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Old 10/26/2010, 00:32   #6
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kA was mehr Aufwand ist. Kommt halt drauf an, was du genau haben willst. Bei Muddies musst du ja eigentlich nur noch das "Output Format" ändern

Aber kommt draufan, was du willst. Je nach dem ist das eine oder andere wohl einfacher. Wenn du die variablen stats haben willst, möglichst noch in "kurzform" dann ist das bei Muddies wohl nicht nur 2-3 Zeilen ändern. Wenn aber schon "Anzahl x Name" reicht, dann dürftest du das wirklich mit 2-3 Zeilen angepasst haben
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Old 10/26/2010, 03:16   #7
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Vorab, das ist so noch nicht verwendbar!

*	This file was modified by 
*	Check the programming section for updates and further scripts
*	Original Author: agor
*	Last Update: 09/04/2010


function NTI_CheckLog() 
	var _dateString, _fhandle;
	_dateString = new Date().toLocaleFormat("%m-%d-%y");
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/" + _dateString + "_itemlog.xml", 2);

		// Check if file already exists
			Print("ÿc<Creating New Log File for "+me.charname+": " +_dateString+"_itemlog.xml");
			// Creation of the new file
			_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>"); 
			_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml-stylesheet href=\"itemlog.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>");
		return true;
	return false;

// Writes items to itemlog.xml via E4X
// item			= Item Object
// isEthereal	= 1 if Item is Ethereal, 0 if not
// mode		= 0 -> Item Kept
// mode		= 1 -> Item Sold
function NTI_WriteLog(item, isEthereal, mode, logStashed, whereAbouts) 
	var _fhandle, _filepath, _date, _content, _loops, _itemlog, _itemdesc, _location;
	var _content2, _content3;
	if(arguments.length < 4)
		logStashed = false;
		whereAbouts = "";
		NTI_ErrorLog(null, 3);
		return false;

	if(!logStashed && !NTI_CheckLog())
		NTI_ErrorLog(item, 2);
	// Checks if there is already a (unid) item logged matching the current item object
	if(!logStashed && !(item.itemflag&0x10) && NTI_IsLogged(item))
		NTI_ErrorLog(item, 0);
		return false;
	_date = new Date();
	_content = "";
	_loops = 0;
		_filepath = "logs/stashlogs/" + me.charname + "_StashedItems.xml";
		_fhandle = FileOpen(_filepath, 2);
				if(++_loops > 2) // Skips XML header lines because they cause errors when creating the E4X object
					_content += _fhandle.ReadLine();
			NTI_ErrorLog(item, 1);
			return false;
		// Creation of the E4X Object
		_itemlog = new XML(_content);
		_filepath = "logs/"+ me.charname + "/Temp_itemlog";

		// Replaces all colors
		_itemdesc = item.itemdesc.replace(/ÿc(.)/g, "");
		// Replaces new lines with spaces
		_itemdesc = _itemdesc.replace(/\n/g, '|');
		// Skips the first part of the description
		_itemdesc = _itemdesc.replace((_itemdesc.split("|")[0] + "|"), "");
		_itemdesc = "undefined";
	//Add the last location that was saved
		_location = whereAbouts;
		_location = NTI_ReadLoc(item);	
		// Creation of the file output, headers first and then the itemlog content
		_itemlog.item += <item id={_date.getTime()} char={me.charname} time={_date.toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S")} quality={item.quality} ethereal={isEthereal} mode={mode} name={("\n")[0]:"undefined"} ilvl={item.itemlevel} location={_location} type={item.classid} typedesc={NTI_NameItem(item.classid)}>{_itemdesc}</item>;
		_content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>\n";
		_content += "<?xml-stylesheet href=\"stashlog.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>\n";
		_content += _itemlog.toXMLString();
		_content = "<item id=\"" + _date.getTime() + "\" char=\"" + me.charname + "\" time=\"" + _date.toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") + "\" quality=\"" +
					item.quality + "\" ethereal=\"" + isEthereal + "\" mode=\"" + mode + "\" name=\"" + (( ?"\n")[0] : "undefined") + "\" ilvl=\"" +
					item.itemlevel + "\" location=\"" + _location + "\" type=\"" + item.classid + "\" typedesc=\"" + NTI_NameItem(item.classid) + "\">";
		_content2 = _itemdesc;
		_content3 = "</item>";
		_fhandle = FileOpen(_filepath, 1);
		_fhandle = FileOpen(_filepath, 2);
		NTI_ErrorLog(item, 1);
		return false;
	if (!logStashed)
	return true;

function NTI_WriteTempLogToXML()
	var _buffer, _itemData, _XMLData, _tempDate, _timeStamp, _fhandle, _count, _countXML, _filecontent, _lines, _ticks;
	var _buffer2, _buffer3;
	var i, k;
	var lastIncomplete = false;
	_itemData = new Array();
	_count = 0;
	_countXML = 0;
	_buffer = "";
	_filecontent = "";
	NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "STOP_STATUS_TEXT_UPDATE");
	SetStatusText("ÿc8Updating Your XML Log...");
	_ticks = GetTickCount();
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/"+ me.charname + "/Temp_itemlog", 2);
		//Print("Debug: Reading Temp File...")
			if (!_fhandle.eof)
				_buffer = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			if (!_fhandle.eof)
				_buffer2 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			if (!_fhandle.eof)
				_buffer3 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			//Print("Debug: Skip to next Item")
			while(!(_buffer.indexOf("<item id=") > -1 && !isNaN(_timeStamp = parseInt(_buffer.split(/"/g)[1]))) && !_fhandle.eof)
				// Get first opening Tag
				_buffer = _buffer2;
				_buffer2 = _buffer3;
				_buffer3 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			//Print("Debug: Check if all 3 lines are correct")
			// Check if other Tags match
			if (_buffer.indexOf("<item id=") > -1 && _buffer2.indexOf("<") == -1 && _buffer2.indexOf(">") == -1 && _buffer3.indexOf("</item>") >= -1)
				//Print("Debug: They are!")
				// all is correct --> write lines
				_tempDate = new Date(_timeStamp);
				//Print("Debug: Put Item in Struct...")
					for(i = 0; i < _itemData.length; i++)
						if(_itemData[i][0] == _tempDate.toLocaleFormat("%m-%d-%y"))
					if(i >= _itemData.length)
						_itemData.push([_tempDate.toLocaleFormat("%m-%d-%y"), _buffer, _buffer2, _buffer3]);
				//Print("Debug Line1: " + _buffer);
				//Print("Debug Line2: " + _buffer2);
				//Print("Debug Line3: " + _buffer3);
		if(_itemData.length < 1)
			return false;
		for(i = 0; i < _itemData.length; i++)
			_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/" + _itemData[i][0] + "_itemlog.xml", 2);
			//Print("Debug: Reading Log File...")
				_XMLData = new Array();
					if (!_fhandle.eof)
						_buffer = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					if (!_fhandle.eof)
						_buffer2 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					if (!_fhandle.eof)
						_buffer3 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					//Print("Debug: Skipping to next Item in Log...")
					while(!(_buffer.indexOf("<item id=") > -1) && !_fhandle.eof)
						// Get first opening Tag
						_buffer = _buffer2;
						_buffer2 = _buffer3;
						_buffer3 = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					//Print("Debug: If this is a correct Item put it into Struct...")
					if (_buffer.indexOf("<item id=") > -1 && _buffer2.indexOf("<") == -1 && _buffer2.indexOf(">") == -1 && _buffer3.indexOf("</item>") >= -1)
						//Print("Correct Item read from Log");
					//Print("Debug Line1: " + _buffer);
					//Print("Debug Line2: " + _buffer2);
					//Print("Debug Line3: " + _buffer3);
			_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/" + _itemData[i][0] + "_itemlog.xml", 1);
			//Print("Debug: Writing Log File...")
				_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>"); 
				_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml-stylesheet href=\"itemlog.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>");
				for(k = 0; k < _XMLData.length; k++)
					if (k % 3 == 0)
				for(k = 1; k < _itemData[i].length; k++)
					if (k % 3 == 0)
					_fhandle.WriteLine("  " + _itemData[i][k]);
		Print("ÿc<ÿc8" + _count + " ÿc<Item" + ((_count > 1) ? "s were" : " was") + " successfully added to your XML Logfile. (" + (GetTickCount() - _ticks) + "ms) [Total XML Items: " + (_count + _countXML) + "]" );
		NTC_SendMsgToScript("NTBotGame.ntj", "SET_DEFAULT_STATUS");
		return _count > 0;
	return false;

function NTI_ClearTempLog()
	var _fhandle, _date;
	_fhandle = _fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/Temp_itemlog", 1);
	_date = new Date();
	if(_fhandle && _date)
		_fhandle.WriteLine("//* The Item Data below will be added to the matching XML file at the beginning of every game - Temp Logfile Created: " + _date.toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S") + " */");
		return true;
	else if(_fhandle)
	return false;

function NTI_WriteLoc(itemunit)
	var _fhandle, _area;
	if(arguments.length < 1 || !itemunit)
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/loc/" + me.charname + "_loc.txt", 2);
	_area = GetArea();
			_fhandle.WriteLine(itemunit.gid + "<>" +;
			_fhandle.WriteLine(itemunit.gid + "<>" + "undefined");
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/loc/" + me.charname + "_simpleloc.txt", 1);

function NTI_ReadLoc(itemunit)
	var _fhandle, _line, _loc;
	if(arguments.length < 1 || !itemunit)
		return "undefined";
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/loc/" + me.charname + "_loc.txt", 2);
			_line = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			if(_line && parseInt(_line.split("<>")[0]) == itemunit.gid)
				_loc = _line.split("<>")[1];
				return _loc;
		_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/loc/" + me.charname + "_simpleloc.txt", 2);
			_loc = _fhandle.ReadLine();
				return _loc;
				return "undefined";	
	return "undefined";

function NTI_ClearLoc()
	var _fhandle;
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/loc/" + me.charname + "_loc.txt", 1);


function NTI_NameItem(itemid)
	if(itemid >= 610 && itemid <= 642)
		return "Rune";
	if((itemid >= 509 && itemid <= 516) || (itemid >= 587 && itemid <= 596))
		return "Potion";
	if(itemid >= 518 && itemid <= 519)
		return "Tome";
	if(itemid >= 529 && itemid <= 530)
		return "Scroll";	
	if((itemid >= 557 && itemid <= 586) || (itemid >= 597 && itemid <= 601))
		return "Gem";
	if((itemid >= 644 && itemid <= 657) || (itemid >= 544 && itemid <= 555))
		return "Quest Item";
	if(itemid == 653)
		return "Token";
	if(itemid >= 654 && itemid <= 657)
		return "Essence";
		return "Database Error";
		return _NTIPIDToName[itemid];

function NTI_IsLogged(item)
	var _checkTime, _itemdesc, _date, _fhandle, _templine, _XMLData, _dataSet;
	_itemdesc = "";
	_date = new Date();
	_XMLData = new Array();
		// _checkTime in minutes!
		case 1: // Low quality
				_checkTime = 15;
		case 2: // Normal
					case "Rune":
						return false;
					case "Gem":
						return false;
					case "Quest Item:":
						return false;
						_checkTime = 20;		
		case 3: // Superior
				_checkTime = 30;
		case 4: // Magic
				_checkTime = 30;
		case 5: // Set
				_checkTime = 30;
		case 6: // Rare
				_checkTime = 60;
		case 7: // Unique
				_checkTime = 90;
		case 8: // Crafted
				_checkTime = 90;
				_checkTime = 20;
		_itemdesc = item.itemdesc.replace(/ÿc(.)/g, "");
		_itemdesc = _itemdesc.replace(/\n/g, '|');
		_itemdesc = _itemdesc.replace((_itemdesc.split("|")[0] + "|"), "");
		_itemdesc = "Itemdesc undefined|";
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/" + _date.toLocaleFormat("%m-%d-%y") + "_itemlog.xml", 2);
			if(((_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine()) != "</itemlog>"))
		_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/" + me.charname + "/Temp_itemlog", 2);
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
				if(_templine.indexOf("//*") == -1)
		return false;
	for(var i = _XMLData.length-1; i > 0; i--)
		_dataSet = _XMLData[i].split(/"/g);
		if((_date.getTime() - parseInt(_dataSet[1])) < _checkTime*6E4)
			if(parseInt(_dataSet[19]) == item.classid) // Check itemtype
				if(parseInt(_dataSet[7]) == item.quality) // Check quality
					if(parseInt(_dataSet[15]) == item.itemlevel) // Check itemlevel
						if(_dataSet[13] =="\n")[0]) // Check itemname
							if(_XMLData[i].split(/">/g)[1].replace("</item>", "") == _itemdesc) // Check itemdesc
								return true;
	return false;

// 0 = item already logged
// 1 = filhandle error
// 2 = error creating logfile
// 3 = itemunit undefined
function NTI_ErrorLog(item, errorcode)
	var _dateString, _errorOutput, _fhandle;
	_dateString = new Date().toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S");
	_errorOutput = "[" + _dateString + " <" + me.charname + "> ] ";
		case 0:
			Print("ÿc8Itemlog Info: Item is already in log!");
			_errorOutput += "Item Error: Item appears to be already logged (" +"\n", "") + ", " + NTI_NameItem(item.classid) + "[" + item.quality + "])";
		case 1:
			Print("ÿc1Itemlog Error: Filehandle is null!");
			_errorOutput += "File Error: Filehandle is null (Unable to log "+"\n", "") + ", " + NTI_NameItem(item.classid) + "[" + item.quality + "])";
		case 2:
			Print("ÿc1Itemlog Error: Logfile could not be created!");
			_errorOutput += "File Error: Logfile could not be created (Unable to log "+"\n", "") + ", " + NTI_NameItem(item.classid) + "[" + item.quality + "])";
		case 3:
			Print("ÿc1Itemlog Error: Itemunit is undefined!");
			_errorOutput += "File Error: Itemunit is undefined!";
			_errorOutput += "Unknown Error";
	_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/ErrorLog.txt", 2);

function NTI_GetGoldLogDate()
	var _fhandle, _date, _templine;
	_fhandle = FileOpen("gamble/" + me.charname + "_GambleInfo.txt", 2);
		_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			for(var i = 0; i < 3; i++)
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
				_date = _templine.split(": ")[1];
		return _date;
		return "Unknown";

function NTI_GetGoldLogSessions()
	var _fhandle, _sessions, _templine;
	_fhandle = FileOpen("gamble/" + me.charname + "_GambleInfo.txt", 2);
		_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			for(var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
				_sessions = parseInt(_templine.split(": ")[1]);
			return _sessions;
		return -1;
		return -1;

function NTI_LogGold(spentGold, count)
	if(arguments.length < 2)
		count = false;
	var _fhandle, _fileTimeStamp, _currentTimeStamp, _total, _date, _gambleCount, _templine;
	_currentTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
	_date = new Date().toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S");
	_total = 0;
	_gambleCount = 0;
	_fhandle = FileOpen("gamble/" + me.charname + "_GambleInfo.txt", 2);
		_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
			_fileTimeStamp = parseInt(_templine.split(": ")[1]);
			if(true || _currentTimeStamp - _fileTimeStamp <= 3*60*60*1E3)
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					_total = parseInt(_templine.split(": ")[1]);
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					_gambleCount = parseInt(_templine.split(": ")[1]);
				_templine = _fhandle.ReadLine();
					_date = _templine.split(": ")[1];
		_total += spentGold;
		_fhandle = FileOpen("gamble/" + me.charname + "_GambleInfo.txt", 1);
			_fhandle.WriteLine("Timestamp: " + _currentTimeStamp );
			_fhandle.WriteLine("Gold: " + _total);
			_fhandle.WriteLine("Gamble Counter: " + ((count) ? ++_gambleCount : _gambleCount));
			_fhandle.WriteLine("File created: " + _date);
		return -1;
	return _total;

function NTI_LogStashedItems(LogToTxt)
	var _isEthereal, _whereabouts, _content, _items, _fhandle, _date, _logToTxt, _dataSet, _fileContent, _hasCube, _room;
	var j;
	_items = me.GetItems();
		return false;
	if(arguments.length < 1)
		_logToTxt = NTConfig_LogStashToTxt;
		_logToTxt = LogToTxt;
		_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/stashlogs/" + me.charname + "_StashedItems.xml", 1);
			_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"iso-8859-1\"?>"); 
			_fhandle.WriteLine("<?xml-stylesheet href=\"stashlog.xsl\" type=\"text/xsl\"?>");
			for(var i = 0 ; i < _items.length; i++)
				if(!_items[i].itemloc && _items[i].mode == 2)
				_isEthereal = (_items[i].itemflag & 0x400000) ? 1 : 0;
				_whereabouts = NTI_ItemLocationToName(_items[i]);
				if(!NTI_WriteLog(_items[i], _isEthereal, 0, true, _whereabouts))
					return false;
			return true;
		return false;
		_content = new Array();
		_hasCube = false;
		_room = 88;	// Inventory + Stash size without cube	
		for(var i = 0 ; i < _items.length ; i++)
			_whereabouts = NTI_ItemLocationToName(_items[i]);
			if(!_items[i].itemloc && _items[i].mode == 2)
				_dataSet = new ItemData(_whereabouts, NTI_NameItem(_items[i].classid), NTI_QualityToName(_items[i].quality), _items[i].itemlevel, _items[i].itemdesc.replace(/ÿc(.)/g, ""),_items[i].xsize*_items[i].ysize, _items[i].classid);
				// Ignoring the size of equipped items
				if(_dataSet.location == "Inventory" || _dataSet.location == "Stash" || _dataSet.location == "Cube") 
					_room -= _dataSet.size;
				if(_dataSet.classid == 549)
					_hasCube = true;
					_room += 12;
				for(j = 0; j < _content.length; j++)
					if(_content[j].typename == _dataSet.typename && 
					   _content[j].qualityname == _dataSet.qualityname &&
					   _content[j].getGeneralDesc() == _dataSet.getGeneralDesc() &&
					   _content[j].classid == _dataSet.classid &&
					   _content[j].size == _dataSet.size)
				if(j < _content.length)
		var _bbcode = true;
		_fileContent = "";
		for(var i = 0; i < _content.length; i++)
			switch (_content[i].qualityname)
				case "Set":
					_fileContent += "[Color=\"DarkGreen\"]";
				case "Unique":
					_fileContent += "[Color=#948064]";
				case "Rare":
					_fileContent += "[Color=#c8c330]";
				case "Magic":
					_fileContent += "[Color=\"DarkBlue\"]";
			if(_content[i].amount > 1)
				_fileContent += _content[i].amount + "x ";
			if(!(_content[i].typename != "Gem" && _content[i].typename != "Quest Item" && _content[i].typename != "Rune"))
				_fileContent += ((_content[i].desc) ? _content[i].desc.split("\n")[0] : "undefined");
			else if(!(_content[i].qualityname != "Set" && _content[i].qualityname != "Unique"))
				if(_content[i].desc.indexOf("Unidentified") != -1)
					_fileContent += "unid " + _content[i].qualityname + " " + ((_content[i].desc) ? _content[i].desc.split("\n")[0] : "undefined");
					_fileContent += ((_content[i].desc) ? _content[i].desc.split("\n")[0] : "undefined") + " (" + NTI_GetShortForm(_content[i].desc,2,false) + ")";
			else if(!(_content[i].qualityname != "Magic" && _content[i].qualityname != "Rare"))
				if(_content[i].desc.indexOf("Unidentified") != -1)
					_fileContent += "unid " + _content[i].qualityname + " " + ((_content[i].desc) ? _content[i].desc.split("\n")[0] : "undefined");
					_fileContent +=_content[i].typename + " (" + NTI_GetShortForm(_content[i].desc,2,true) + ")";
				if(_content[i].desc.indexOf("Unidentified") != -1)
					_fileContent += "unid " + _content[i].qualityname + " " + ((_content[i].desc) ? _content[i].desc.split("\n")[0] : "undefined");
					_fileContent +=_content[i].typename + " (" + NTI_GetShortForm(_content[i].desc,2,true) + ")";
			switch (_content[i].qualityname)
				case "Set":
					_fileContent += "[/Color]";
				case "Unique":
					_fileContent += "[/Color]";
				case "Rare":
					_fileContent += "[/Color]";
				case "Magic":
					_fileContent += "[/Color]";
			_fileContent += "\n";
		// for(var i = 0; i < _content.length; i++)
		// {
			// _fileContent += "Location: " + me.charname + ((_content[i].amount == 1)?" (" + _content[i].location + ")":"") + "\n";
			// _fileContent += "Type: " + _content[i].typename + "\n";
			// _fileContent += "Quality: " + _content[i].qualityname + "\n";
			// if(_content[i].amount == 1)
				// _fileContent += "Item Level: " + _content[i].level + "\n";
			// if(_content[i].amount > 1)
				// _fileContent += "Amount carried: " + _content[i].amount + "\n\n";
			// _fileContent += _content[i].desc;
			// _fileContent += "\n----------------------------------------\n";
		// }
			_fileContent = "Empty! :(";
		_date = new Date().toLocaleFormat("%a %m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S");
		_fileContent = "----------------------------------------\n" + "----------------------------------------\n" + 
						me.charname + "'s Stashlog (Level " + me.GetStat(12) + " " + NTC_CharClassIdToString(me.classid) + ")\nFile created: " + _date + "\nItems carried: " + _items.length + "\nGold carried: " + NTC_MyGold() + "\nFree room: " + _room +" of " +((_hasCube)?"96":"88")+ "\n" +
					   "----------------------------------------\n" + "----------------------------------------\n"
					   + _fileContent;
		_fhandle = FileOpen("logs/stashlogs/" + me.charname + "_StashedItems.txt", 1);
			return false;
		return true;

function NTI_isUnusedLine(_str, _withlreq)
	if (_str.indexOf("Angelic") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Tal Rasha") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Arcanna") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Arctic") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Berserker") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cathan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Civerb") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cleglaw") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Hsarus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Infernal") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Iratha") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Isenhart") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Milabrega") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sigon") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Tancred") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Death's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Vidala") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Heaven's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Dangoon's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Taebaek's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Haemosu's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Ondal's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("The Disciple") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Telling of Beads") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Laying of Hands") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Rite of Passage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Dark Adherent") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Credendum") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cow King") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Hwanin") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Naj") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sander") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sazabi") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Orphan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Guillaume") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Wilhelm") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Mangus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Whitstan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Aldur") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Bul-Kathos") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Griswold") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("M'avina") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Natalya") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Trang-Oul") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Immortal King") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Throw Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("One-Hand Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Two-Hand Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Durability") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Quantity") != -1)
		return true;
	if (!_withlreq && _str.indexOf("Required Level") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Required Strength") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Required Dexterity") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Class") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("to cast") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf(" vs.") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf(" to Light Radius") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Chance to Block: ") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Smite Damage: ") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Heal Stamina Plus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Attacker Takes") != -1) 
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Paladin Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Necromancer Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Sorceress Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Assassine Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Barbarian Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Druid Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Amazone Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Poison Length") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Undead") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Demons") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Charges") != -1)
		if (_str.indexOf("Teleport") == -1 && _str.indexOf("Life Tap") == -1 && _str.indexOf("Lower Resist") == -1)
			return true;
	return false;

function NTI_GetShortForm(_desc, _startat, _withlreq)
	var _result = "";
	var _split = _desc.split("\n")
	for (var i = _startat; i < _split.length; i++)
		if (!NTI_isUnusedLine(_split[i], _withlreq))
			if (_result != "" && _split[i] != "")
				_result += ", ";
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Defense: ","def ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Required Level:","lvlreq");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Life","l");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Increase Maximum Life","maxlife");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Mana","m");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Increase Maximum Mana","maxmana");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Strength","str");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Dexterity","dex");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Vitality","vit");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Energy","ene");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Increased Attack Speed","ias");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Increased Chance of Blocking","icob");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Cast Rate","fcr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Hit Recovery","fhr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Block Rate","fbr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Attack Rating","ar");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("(Based on Character Level)","(on lvl)");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Better Chance of Getting Magic Items","mf");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Extra Gold from Monsters","eg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Enhanced Defense","edef");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Defense","def");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Enhanced Damage","ed");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Maximum Damage","max");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Minimum Damage","min");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Adds ","");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("cold damage","cdmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("lightning damage","ldmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("fire damage","fdmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Replenishes quantity","refill");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Fire Resist ","fr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Lightning Resist +","lr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cold Resist ","cr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Poison Resist ","pr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("All Resistances ","allres ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to all Attributes","allattri");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cold Absorb","cabs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Fire Absorb","fabs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Lightning Absorb","labs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cannot Be Frozen","cnbf");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Socketed","sox");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Chance of Crushing Blow","cb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Knockback","kb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Summoning Skills (Druid Only)"," druid summon");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Masteries (Barbarian Only)"," barb masteries");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Amazon Skill Levels"," ama");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Barbarian Skill Levels"," barb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Paladin Skill Levels"," pala");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Druid Skill Levels"," druid");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)","eth");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Damage Reduced by","damred");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Reduces all Vendor Prices ","price -");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Faster Run/Walk","frw");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Regenerate Mana ","manaregen ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Half Freeze Duration","1/2freez");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Damage Taken Goes To Mana","dtgtm");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Indestructible","indest");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Life stolen per hit","ll");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Mana stolen per hit","ml");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Bonus","");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Piercing Attack","pierc");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Freezes target","freez");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Magic ","m");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Replenish Life","liferep");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" seconds","s");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" poison damage over ","pdmg/");
			// Necro Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Necromancer Skill Levels"," necro");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)"," skele mastery");
			// Sorc Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Sorceress Skill Levels"," sorc");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Fire Skills (Sorceress Only)"," fire");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Frozen Orb (Sorceress Only)"," fo");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only)"," light mastery");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Nova (Sorceress Only)"," nova"); 
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" after each Kill","aek");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to All Skills"," all");
			// Assa Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Assassine Skill Levels"," assa");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only)"," shadow");
			_result += _split[i];
	if(_result[0] == " ")
		_result = _result.replace(" ","");
	_result = _result.replace(/\n/gi,",");
	return _result;

function NTI_ShowItemInfo()
	var _items, _itemsInCube, _nipRes, _cubingRes;
	_itemsInCube = false;
	_items = me.GetItems();
		for(var i = 0; i < _items.length; i++)
			if(_items[i].itemloc == 3 && _items[i].mode == 0)
				_nipRes = NTIPCheckItem(_items[i], 0, true);
				_cubingRes = NTCU_CheckItem(_items[i], _nipRes);
				Print("ÿc0Item Level of " + NTC_ItemQualityToD2Color[NTC_GetItemColorInt(_items[i])] + _items[i].name.split("\n")[0] + "ÿc0:ÿc8 " + _items[i].itemlevel + " ÿc0 <> NIPCheckID:ÿc8 " + _nipRes + " (" + _cubingRes + ")");
				_itemsInCube = true;
		Print("Make sure the item you want to gather information about is placed in your cube ;)");

function NTI_ItemLocationToName(itemunit)
	if(arguments.length < 1 || !itemunit)
		return "Unknown";
	if(!itemunit.itemloc && itemunit.mode == 2)
		return "Belt";

		case 0:
			return "Inventory";
		case 1:
			return "Head";
		case 2:
			return "Amulet";
		case 3:
			if(itemunit.mode == 1)
				return "Torso";
				return "Cube";
		case 4:
			if(itemunit.mode == 1)
				return "Right Hand I";
				return "Stash";
		case 5:
			return "Left hand I";
		case 6:
			return "Right Ring";
		case 7:
			return "Left Ring";
		case 8:
			return "Belt";
		case 9:
			return "Feet";
		case 10:
			return "Gloves";
		case 11:
			return "Right Hand II";
		case 12:
			return "Left hand II";
			return "Unknown";


function NTI_QualityToName(quality)
		case 1:
			return "Damaged";
		case 2:
			return "Normal";
		case 3:
			return "Superior";
		case 4:
			return "Magic";
		case 5:
			return "Set";
		case 6:
			return "Rare";
		case 7:
			return "Unique";
		case 8:
			return "Crafted";
			return "Unknown";

// Itemdata Class
function ItemData(loc, typename, quality, ilvl, desc, size, classid)
	this.location = loc;
	this.typename = typename;
	this.qualityname = quality;
	this.level = ilvl;
	this.desc = desc;
	this.size = size;
	this.classid = classid;
	this.amount = 1;
	this.getGeneralDesc = function()
		return this.desc.replace(/Durability:\s.+\sof\s.+\s/i, "");
Ergibt dann beispielsweise das hier:

<Charname>'s Stashlog (Level <Level> <Class>)
File created: <Date>
Items carried: 36
Gold carried: 1285
Free room: 17 of 88
[Color="DarkGreen"]unid Set Mesh Boots[/Color]
Thresher (lvlreq 53, sox (4))
4x Key of Hate
[Color="DarkBlue"]Circlet (lvlreq 45, +3 druid summon)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 16, +2str)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 32, cr 11%)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 16, +2str, fr 3%)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 40, +17m)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Large Charm (lvlreq 52, +2min, +29l)[/Color]
[Color=#948064]Raven Frost (+218ar, 15-45 cdmg, +15dex, +40m, cabs 20%, cnbf)[/Color]
[Color=#948064]unid Unique Grim Shield[/Color]
[Color=#948064]unid Unique War Belt[/Color]
[Color=#948064]Frostburn (def 49, +5%ed, 1-6 cdmg, +19%edef, +30def, maxmana 40%)[/Color]
[Color=#948064]Giant Skull (def 406, 10% cb, kb, +268def, +26str, sox (1))[/Color]
2x Twisted Essence of Suffering
[Color=#948064]Raven Frost (+215ar, 15-45 cdmg, +15dex, +40m, cabs 20%, cnbf)[/Color]
2x Burning Essence of Terror
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 29, +5fhr)[/Color]
[Color="DarkGreen"]unid Set Death Mask[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Amulet (+3 barb masteries, +10fcr)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Small Charm (lvlreq 39, +18l)[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Throwing Axe (lvlreq 10, +71%ed, +6max, +26ar, 1-4 cdmg, refill)[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Ring (lvlreq 43, +108ar, +25l, fr 20%, 37%eg)[/Color]
Lem Rune
[Color="DarkBlue"]Grand Charm (12%mf)[/Color]
[Color=#948064]Hellfire Torch (+3 necro, +20allattri, allres 18)[/Color]
[Color="DarkBlue"]Grand Charm (lvlreq 83, +41l)[/Color]
Wieso ist es nicht verwendbar?
Weil schlicht noch lange nicht alle Attribute entfernt respektive verkürzt werden. Darfst du aber gern selber hinzufügen in der Funktion "NTI_GetShortForm" respektive "NTI_isUnusedLine".

edit: Vorallem die 2 Funktionen müssten noch massiv erweitert werden, damit alle Items schön geloggt werden.

function NTI_isUnusedLine(_str, _withlreq)
	if (_str.indexOf("Angelic") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Tal Rasha") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Arcanna") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Arctic") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Berserker") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cathan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Civerb") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cleglaw") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Hsarus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Infernal") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Iratha") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Isenhart") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Milabrega") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sigon") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Tancred") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Death's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Vidala") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Heaven's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Dangoon's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Taebaek's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Haemosu's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Ondal's") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("The Disciple") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Telling of Beads") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Laying of Hands") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Rite of Passage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Dark Adherent") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Credendum") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Cow King") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Hwanin") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Naj") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sander") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Sazabi") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Orphan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Guillaume") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Wilhelm") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Mangus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Whitstan") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Aldur") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Bul-Kathos") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Griswold") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("M'avina") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Natalya") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Trang-Oul") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Immortal King") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Throw Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("One-Hand Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Two-Hand Damage") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Durability") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Quantity") != -1)
		return true;
	if (!_withlreq && _str.indexOf("Required Level") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Required Strength") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Required Dexterity") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Class") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("to cast") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf(" vs.") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf(" to Light Radius") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Chance to Block: ") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Smite Damage: ") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Heal Stamina Plus") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Attacker Takes") != -1) 
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Paladin Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Necromancer Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Sorceress Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Assassine Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Barbarian Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Druid Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("(Amazone Only)") == 0)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Poison Length") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Undead") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Demons") != -1)
		return true;
	if (_str.indexOf("Charges") != -1)
		if (_str.indexOf("Teleport") == -1 && _str.indexOf("Life Tap") == -1 && _str.indexOf("Lower Resist") == -1)
			return true;
	return false;

function NTI_GetShortForm(_desc, _startat, _withlreq)
	var _result = "";
	var _split = _desc.split("\n")
	for (var i = _startat; i < _split.length; i++)
		if (!NTI_isUnusedLine(_split[i], _withlreq))
			if (_result != "" && _split[i] != "")
				_result += ", ";
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Defense: ","def ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Required Level:","lvlreq");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Life","l");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Increase Maximum Life","maxlife");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Mana","m");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Increase Maximum Mana","maxmana");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Strength","str");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Dexterity","dex");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Vitality","vit");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Energy","ene");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Increased Attack Speed","ias");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Increased Chance of Blocking","icob");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Cast Rate","fcr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Hit Recovery","fhr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("% Faster Block Rate","fbr");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Attack Rating","ar");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("(Based on Character Level)","(on lvl)");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Better Chance of Getting Magic Items","mf");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Extra Gold from Monsters","eg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Enhanced Defense","edef");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Defense","def");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Enhanced Damage","ed");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Maximum Damage","max");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Minimum Damage","min");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Adds ","");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("cold damage","cdmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("lightning damage","ldmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("fire damage","fdmg");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Replenishes quantity","refill");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Fire Resist ","fr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Lightning Resist +","lr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cold Resist ","cr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Poison Resist ","pr ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("All Resistances ","allres ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to all Attributes","allattri");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cold Absorb","cabs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Fire Absorb","fabs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Lightning Absorb","labs");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Cannot Be Frozen","cnbf");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Socketed","sox");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Chance of Crushing Blow","cb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Knockback","kb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Summoning Skills (Druid Only)"," druid summon");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Masteries (Barbarian Only)"," barb masteries");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Amazon Skill Levels"," ama");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Barbarian Skill Levels"," barb");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Paladin Skill Levels"," pala");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Druid Skill Levels"," druid");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)","eth");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Damage Reduced by","damred");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Reduces all Vendor Prices ","price -");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Faster Run/Walk","frw");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Regenerate Mana ","manaregen ");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Half Freeze Duration","1/2freez");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Damage Taken Goes To Mana","dtgtm");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Indestructible","indest");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Life stolen per hit","ll");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" Mana stolen per hit","ml");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Bonus","");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Piercing Attack","pierc");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Freezes target","freez");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Magic ","m");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace("Replenish Life","liferep");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" seconds","s");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" poison damage over ","pdmg/");
			// Necro Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Necromancer Skill Levels"," necro");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Skeleton Mastery (Necromancer Only)"," skele mastery");
			// Sorc Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Sorceress Skill Levels"," sorc");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Fire Skills (Sorceress Only)"," fire");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Frozen Orb (Sorceress Only)"," fo");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Lightning Mastery (Sorceress Only)"," light mastery");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Nova (Sorceress Only)"," nova"); 
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" after each Kill","aek");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to All Skills"," all");
			// Assa Skills
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Assassine Skill Levels"," assa");
			_split[i] = _split[i].replace(" to Shadow Disciplines (Assassin Only)"," shadow");
			_result += _split[i];
	if(_result[0] == " ")
		_result = _result.replace(" ","");
	_result = _result.replace(/\n/gi,",");
	return _result;

Gibt's irgendwo ne Liste mit allen Attributen die's auf Items haben kann? Auf englisch und casesensitiv?
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Old 10/26/2010, 06:50   #8
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Originally Posted by ldevil View Post
Gibt's irgendwo ne Liste mit allen Attributen die's auf Items haben kann? Auf englisch und casesensitiv?
kann ich mir nicht vorstellen wirst wohl mit prefix listen arbeiten müssen wenn du das weiter ausbaun willst :S

Finde es aber sehr schön das du dir die mühe machst das für alle user hier zumindest einwenig anzupassen

Hab mir heute den Source von IML angeschaut bin leider nicht so der Head in AutoIt eig hab ich fast gar kein plan davon naja mal schaun ob ichs up to date bringe
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Old 10/26/2010, 07:13   #9
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können wir zusammen durchgehen, wenn ich wieder @ home bin
evtl ja schon früher als gedacht, wegen diesem idiotischen Vulkan hier
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Old 10/26/2010, 15:28   #10
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Originally Posted by SparkZ11 View Post
Finde es aber sehr schön das du dir die mühe machst das für alle user hier zumindest einwenig anzupassen
Aber Formatierung passt? Oder meintest du mit "bbcode" was anderes?
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Old 10/26/2010, 18:01   #11
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Originally Posted by ldevil View Post
Aber Formatierung passt? Oder meintest du mit "bbcode" was anderes?
Formatierung kann man eig so lassen bei IML war sie etwas anderst da sah das zb so aus:

Item #1
Item type: Unique
Eschuta's Temper
Eldritch Orb
One-Hand Damage: 18 to 50
Durability: 29 of 30
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 72
Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+10% to Lightning Skill Damage
+20% to Fire Skill Damage
+23 to Energy

Originally Posted by Diablofarmer View Post
können wir zusammen durchgehen, wenn ich wieder @ home bin
evtl ja schon früher als gedacht, wegen diesem idiotischen Vulkan hier
Ok machen wir dann

aber jetzt enspann dich mal in deinen urlaub
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Old 10/26/2010, 19:45   #12
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Originally Posted by SparkZ11 View Post
Item #1
Item type: Unique
Eschuta's Temper
Eldritch Orb
One-Hand Damage: 18 to 50
Durability: 29 of 30
(Sorceress Only)
Required Level: 72
Staff Class - Very Fast Attack Speed
+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels
+40% Faster Cast Rate
+10% to Lightning Skill Damage
+20% to Fire Skill Damage
+23 to Energy
Wenn du's so willst dann hast du das ja im 0,nix - das "schwere" (respektive einfach das was lange dauert) ist, all die Attribute zu kürzen damit daraus 1 Zeiler werden.

Wenn du wirklich solchen Output willst, das sollte echt nicht schwer sein
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Old 10/26/2010, 20:42   #13
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Originally Posted by ldevil View Post
Wenn du's so willst dann hast du das ja im 0,nix - das "schwere" (respektive einfach das was lange dauert) ist, all die Attribute zu kürzen damit daraus 1 Zeiler werden.

Wenn du wirklich solchen Output willst, das sollte echt nicht schwer sein
ging auch nciht darum das es schwer ist^.^ halt viel zu formatiern :S
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Old 10/26/2010, 22:25   #14
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Ahh ok hat noch nen bug, brb :P

edit: Versuch 3 ... auch noch die "anderen Setteile" entfernt. Aber das ist was du willst, oder?

Item #0
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Skin of the Vipermagi[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Serpentskin Armor[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 279[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 43[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+120% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+38 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Magic Damage Reduced by 13[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #1
Item type: Unique
Amount carried: 2
[Color=#908858]The Stone of Jordan[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-12 lightning damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 25%[/Color]

Item #2
Item type: Set
[Color=#10e300]Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth[/Color]
[Color=#10e300]Mesh Belt[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 39[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 16[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 47[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 53[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20 to Dexterity[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]37% Damage Taken Goes To Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]13% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Requirements -20%[/Color]

Item #3
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Light Gauntlets[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 25[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 17 of 18[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 45[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 23[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Fire Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-6 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+26% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Regenerate Mana 25%[/Color]

Item #4
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Griffon's Eye[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 158[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 17 of 20[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 76[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+25% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-74 lightning damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]-23% to Enemy Lightning Resistance[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17% to Lightning Skill Damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+105 Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #5
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Powered Amulet [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 45[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)[/Color]

Item #6
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Hellfire Torch[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Large Charm[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 75[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+15 to all Attributes[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+8 to Light Radius[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)[/Color]

Item #7
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Small Charm[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 70[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+13 to all Attributes[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +15[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+9% to Experience Gained[/Color]

Item #8
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Ruby Small Charm of Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Fire Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #9
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm of Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +10%[/Color]

Item #10
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #11
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Quantity: 8[/Color]

Item #12
Item type: Rare
[Color=#c8c330]Dread Brogues[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Light Plated Boots[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 15[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 18[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 13[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+33% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Heal Stamina Plus 50%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Fire Resist +30%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Half Freeze Duration[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]54% Extra Gold from Monsters[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]19% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]

Item #13
Item type: Normal
Horadric Cube
Item #14
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Emerald
Item #15
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Sapphire
Item #16
Item type: Normal
Shael Rune
Item #17
Item type: Normal
Gul Rune
Item #18
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Twisted Essence of Suffering
Item #19
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Gold Ring [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+97 to Attack Rating[/Color]

Item #20
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Topaz
Item #21
Item type: Normal
Flawless Diamond
Item #22
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Cursing Amulet of the Bat[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 45[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Curses (Necromancer Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]4% Mana stolen per hit[/Color]

Item #23
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Chestnut Jewel [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Can be Inserted into Socketed Items[/Color]
[Color=#000000]+12 Maximum Stamina[/Color]

Item #24
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Amethyst
Item #25
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 5
Amn Rune
Item #26
Item type: Normal
Sol Rune
Item #27
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 4
Ort Rune
Item #28
Item type: Rare
[Color=#c8c330]Glyph Whorl[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Sacred Globe[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 3 to 8[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 90 of 90[/Color]
[Color=#CC0000](Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 51[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 21-49 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Blizzard (Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Fire Ball (Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17 to Energy[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40 to Life[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Lightning Resist +19%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds[/Color]

Item #29
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm of Vita[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 39[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17 to Life[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #30
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8] Vampirebone Gloves of Nova Shield[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Defense: 62[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 8 of 14[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 47[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]14% Chance to cast level 5 Nova when struck[/Color]

Item #31
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Tal Rune
Item #32
Item type: Normal
Key of Destruction
Item #33
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Crystal Sword[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 5 to 15[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 15 of 20[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 43[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Socketed (5)[/Color]

Item #34
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]War Boots[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 54[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 18 of 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 125[/Color]

Item #35
Item type: Normal
Nef Rune
Item #36
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Call to Arms[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 3 to 87[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 30 of 30[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Dexterity: 35[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 41[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 57[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Mace Class - Very Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40% Increased Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+266% Enhanced Damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 5-30 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]7% Life stolen per hit[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Battle Command[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+4 to Battle Orders[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Battle Cry[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Prevent Monster Heal[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Replenish Life +12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+50% Damage to Undead[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (5)[/Color]

Item #37
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Lidless Wall[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Grim Shield[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 291[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Chance to Block: 40%[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 70 of 70[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 41[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+93% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 to Energy[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 10%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+4 to Mana after each Kill[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Light Radius[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Requirements -15%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #38
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Heart of the Oak[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 1 to 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 30 of 30[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Dexterity: 35[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 41[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 55[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+75% Damage to Demons[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+100 to Attack Rating against Demons[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 3-14 cold damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]7% Mana stolen per hit[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 to Dexterity[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Replenish Life +20[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 15%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +40[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 4 Oak Sage (25/25 Charges)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 14 Raven (60/60 Charges)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+50% Damage to Undead[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (4)[/Color]

Item #39
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Moser's Blessed Circle[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Round Shield[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 166[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Chance to Block: 57%[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 59 of 64[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 53[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 31[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30% Faster Block Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]25% Increased Chance of Blocking[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+197% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +63[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (2)[/Color]
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Old 10/26/2010, 23:10   #15
SparkZ11's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ldevil View Post
Ahh ok hat noch nen bug, brb :P

edit: Versuch 3 ... auch noch die "anderen Setteile" entfernt. Aber das ist was du willst, oder?

Item #0
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Skin of the Vipermagi[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Serpentskin Armor[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 279[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 43[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+120% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+38 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Magic Damage Reduced by 13[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #1
Item type: Unique
Amount carried: 2
[Color=#908858]The Stone of Jordan[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 29[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-12 lightning damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 25%[/Color]

Item #2
Item type: Set
[Color=#10e300]Tal Rasha's Fine-Spun Cloth[/Color]
[Color=#10e300]Mesh Belt[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 39[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 16[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 47[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 53[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20 to Dexterity[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30 to Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]37% Damage Taken Goes To Mana[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]13% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Requirements -20%[/Color]

Item #3
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Light Gauntlets[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 25[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 17 of 18[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 45[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 23[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Fire Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-6 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+26% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Regenerate Mana 25%[/Color]

Item #4
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Griffon's Eye[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 158[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 17 of 20[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 76[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]100% Chance to cast level 47 Chain Lightning when you Die[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+25% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 1-74 lightning damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]-23% to Enemy Lightning Resistance[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17% to Lightning Skill Damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+105 Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #5
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Powered Amulet [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 45[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)[/Color]

Item #6
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Hellfire Torch[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Large Charm[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 75[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]5% Chance to cast level 10 Firestorm on striking[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+15 to all Attributes[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+8 to Light Radius[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 30 Hydra (10/10 Charges)[/Color]

Item #7
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Small Charm[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 70[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+13 to all Attributes[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +15[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+9% to Experience Gained[/Color]

Item #8
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Ruby Small Charm of Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Fire Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #9
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm of Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Strength[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +10%[/Color]

Item #10
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 32[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #11
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Quantity: 8[/Color]

Item #12
Item type: Rare
[Color=#c8c330]Dread Brogues[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Light Plated Boots[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 15[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 14 of 18[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 13[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+33% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Heal Stamina Plus 50%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Fire Resist +30%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Half Freeze Duration[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]54% Extra Gold from Monsters[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]19% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]

Item #13
Item type: Normal
Horadric Cube
Item #14
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Emerald
Item #15
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Sapphire
Item #16
Item type: Normal
Shael Rune
Item #17
Item type: Normal
Gul Rune
Item #18
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Twisted Essence of Suffering
Item #19
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Gold Ring [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+97 to Attack Rating[/Color]

Item #20
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Topaz
Item #21
Item type: Normal
Flawless Diamond
Item #22
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Cursing Amulet of the Bat[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Required Level: 45[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Curses (Necromancer Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]4% Mana stolen per hit[/Color]

Item #23
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Chestnut Jewel [/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Can be Inserted into Socketed Items[/Color]
[Color=#000000]+12 Maximum Stamina[/Color]

Item #24
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Flawless Amethyst
Item #25
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 5
Amn Rune
Item #26
Item type: Normal
Sol Rune
Item #27
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 4
Ort Rune
Item #28
Item type: Rare
[Color=#c8c330]Glyph Whorl[/Color]
[Color=#c8c330]Sacred Globe[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 3 to 8[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 90 of 90[/Color]
[Color=#CC0000](Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 51[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Staff Class - Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Sorceress Skill Levels[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 21-49 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Blizzard (Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Fire Ball (Sorceress Only)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17 to Energy[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40 to Life[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Lightning Resist +19%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Repairs 1 durability in 20 seconds[/Color]

Item #29
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8]Sapphire Small Charm of Vita[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 39[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+17 to Life[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Cold Resist +11%[/Color]

Item #30
Item type: Magic
[Color=#4850B8] Vampirebone Gloves of Nova Shield[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Defense: 62[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 8 of 14[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 47[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]14% Chance to cast level 5 Nova when struck[/Color]

Item #31
Item type: Normal
Amount carried: 2
Tal Rune
Item #32
Item type: Normal
Key of Destruction
Item #33
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Crystal Sword[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 5 to 15[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 15 of 20[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 43[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Sword Class - Normal Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Socketed (5)[/Color]

Item #34
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]War Boots[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 54[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 18 of 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 125[/Color]

Item #35
Item type: Normal
Nef Rune
Item #36
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Call to Arms[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 3 to 87[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 30 of 30[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Dexterity: 35[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 41[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 57[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Mace Class - Very Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40% Increased Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+266% Enhanced Damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 5-30 fire damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]7% Life stolen per hit[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to Battle Command[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+4 to Battle Orders[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+2 to Battle Cry[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Prevent Monster Heal[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Replenish Life +12[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]30% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+50% Damage to Undead[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (5)[/Color]

Item #37
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Lidless Wall[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Grim Shield[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 291[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Chance to Block: 40%[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 70 of 70[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 50[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 41[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+20% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+93% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 to Energy[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 10%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+4 to Mana after each Kill[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+1 to Light Radius[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Requirements -15%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (1)[/Color]

Item #38
Item type: Normal
[Color=#000000]Heart of the Oak[/Color]
[Color=#000000]One-Hand Damage: 1 to 24[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 30 of 30[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Dexterity: 35[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 41[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 55[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Mace Class - Fast Attack Speed[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+3 to All Skills[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+40% Faster Cast Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+75% Damage to Demons[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+100 to Attack Rating against Demons[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Adds 3-14 cold damage[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]7% Mana stolen per hit[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+10 to Dexterity[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Replenish Life +20[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Increase Maximum Mana 15%[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +40[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 4 Oak Sage (25/25 Charges)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Level 14 Raven (60/60 Charges)[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+50% Damage to Undead[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (4)[/Color]

Item #39
Item type: Unique
[Color=#908858]Moser's Blessed Circle[/Color]
[Color=#908858]Round Shield[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Defense: 166[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Chance to Block: 57%[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Durability: 59 of 64[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Strength: 53[/Color]
[Color=#000000]Required Level: 31[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+30% Faster Block Rate[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]25% Increased Chance of Blocking[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]+197% Enhanced Defense[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]All Resistances +63[/Color]
[Color=#4850B8]Socketed (2)[/Color]
Oo sehr geil geht das jetzt mit muddys so?
SparkZ11 is offline  

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