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BMPK v2.6.5

Discussion on BMPK v2.6.5 within the Diablo 2 forum part of the Other Online Games category.

Old   #1's Avatar
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BMPK v2.6.5

Habe ihn auf Malware überprüft und das ist nichts ganzes und nichts halbes

Kaspersky ist die Datei seit über einem Jahr bekannt und gab keine Probleme.

## BMTPPK 2.8.0 PRIVATE For Diablo II (v1.13d)  Lord Of Destruction ##

## Very Special Thanks To Cody/Steve/Isaac/Sheppard/Andy For Coding These!
## Thanks @ Steve for paying for!
## Thanks to all BMPK Members supplying kills for our site <3
## Enjoy!
[Main Settings]

Fast Teleport          = "true"

Speed Hack        = "true"

Remove Portal Delay      = "true"

Hostile Target Only      = "false"

Anti-Minimize          = "false"

Auto Clean Screenshots  = "true"

Farcast Enabled      = true

Full Light Radius    = true

Show Item Levels    = "true"

Show Item Sockets    = "true"

Show Item Ethereal    = "true"

Aim Box Enabled      = "true"

Aim Box Color          = "32"

Spam Delay          = "50"

Blind Spot          = 4

Console Delay          = "5000"

StrBugFix          = "true"

OverHeadTrace          = "true"

ShowMemberName        = "true"

SaveGameNameAndPW    = "true"

Use Monster Warnings    = "false"


[Extra Town Options]

TownOnIronMaiden        = "false"

TownOnAmp          = "true"

TownOnLowerResis      = "false"

TownOnBoOut          = "true"

TownAfterKill          = "false"

BlockPortalEntryOnLowLife  = "true"

TownOnHolyFireDetect      = "true"

TownOnHolyShockDetect      = "true"

[Auto Settings]

Auto Tele Smite                      = "T"

Max Time To Wait Before Resetting TeleSmite      = "500"

Teleport On Enemy After Smite With TeleSmite      = "true"

Auto Reblind Paladin Teleports                    = "U"

Reblind Attempts Before Smite                  = "0"

Use Smite?                                        = "false"

Teleport On Enemy After Smite With AutoBlind      = "false"

ReblindDistance                                  = "10"

Number Of Smites Before Towning During Reblind    = "2"

Max Time To Wait Before Resetting Autoblind      = "1000"

Use Direct Teleport On Non-Paladins          = "true"

Auto Smite On Enemy Teleport                      = "Y"

Teleport On Enemy After Smite With AutoSmite      = "true"

Max Time To Wait Before Resetting AutoSmite        = "1000"

Auto Teleport On Barbarian Endpoint WhirlWind      = "E"

Interruption Option                  = "2"

# During the event auto smite / telesmite / reblind is Interrupted, meaning they hit you strongly, or block, here are options.
# 0 = Do nothing allow the auto to take its course. ( Not Recommended ).
# 1 = Immediately Reset the Auto
# 2 = Town
# 3 = Exit


[Middle Click Options]

Use FarCast For Middle Click?          = "true"

Use Monster AA For Middle Click?        = "false"

Use Nearest Player AA For Middle Click? = "false"

Farcast Distance            = "50"
## anywhere from 40-50 is nice, experiment what works best.


[Key Settings]

Command Trigger            = ">"

Window Control Key            = "VK_CONTROL"

Start With BlindSpot AA On        = "true"

TPPK                    = "A"

Fast Portal Key            = "G"

Open Portal Key              = "L"

Open Stash Key              = "VK_9"

Spy Target Inventory Key        = "VK_0"

Auto Party Toggle Key            = "VK_F9"

Auto Aim Slot Toggle Key        = "VK_NUMPAD0"

Screen Hooks Toggle Key        = "VK_NUMPAD1"

Teleport To Player Key        = "VK_NUMPAD2"

Hostile And Teleport To Player Key = "VK_NUMPAD3"

Last Target Key          = "VK_NUMPAD4"

Next Target Key          = "VK_NUMPAD6"

Blind Spot Toggle Key        = "VK_DECIMAL"

Silent Exit Key            = "VK_SUBTRACT"

Hostile Key              = "VK_ADD"

View Console Logs Key          = "VK_F11"

View In Game Config Key      = VK_F12

Flash Target Key          = "B"

Clear Console Key          = "V"
Fast Exit Key              = "VK_6"

Attack Nearest Player Right  = "C"

Attack Nearest Player Left  = "VK_CONTROL"

Attack Nearest Monster Right = "None"

Attack Nearest Monster Left  = "V"

ConcHammer            = "z"

VigorCharge            = "X"

Next BlindSpot              = "None"

Reload Config            = "VK_ADD"

Hold+Click To Tele Walk      = "F"

Report Next Kill To Friends  = "O"

End Point Charge Tele        = "None"


[Winamp Settings]

Stop Key        = ""

Play Key          = "VK_HOME"

Next Song Key        = "VK_PAGEDOWN"

Prev Song Key          = "VK_PAGEUP"

Print Title Key        = "VK_END"

Winamp Text          = "Current Song"


[Auto Teleport Settings]

Next Vector Key      = "VK_NUMPAD9"

Last Vector Key        = "VK_NUMPAD7"

Waypoint Vector Key    = "VK_NUMPAD8"

Special Vector Key    = "VK_NUMPAD5"

Next Vector Color      = "155"

Last Vector Color      = "109"

Waypoint Vector Color    = "132"

Special Vector Color    = "152"


[Enchant Bot]

Enchant Bot Toggle Key  = "None"

Enchant Me String    = "chant"

Enchant Merc String      = "chantmerc"

Enchant All String      = "chantall"

Whisper Join Messages      = "true"

Use Auto Party          = "true"


[Map Hack]

Auto Reveal Map      = "true"

Use FC Tele Vector      = "true"

Draw Monster Blobs      = "true"

Draw Monster Immunities  = "true"

Draw Missiles        = "true"

Draw Teleport Vectors    = "true"

Draw Aim Vector      = "true"

Draw Level Names      = "true"

Normal Monster Color      = "98"

Champion Monster Color  = "151"

Boss Monster Color    = "155"

Draw Monster Names    = "true"

My Missile Color    = "32"

Display Player Life    = "true"

Display No Bo        = "true"

Display Barb Bo        = "true"

Display Hostile Curses  = "true"

Display Life On Tps      = "true"

Cross In Party          = "132"

Cross Neutral        = "32"

Cross Hostile        = "98"

Cross Blacklist        = "0"

Cross Safelist        = "168"

Cross BMPK Member    = "151"

Cross FC Tele          = "32"

Line Fc Tele          = "98"


[Chicken Settings]

## 0 = Off, 1 = Town, 2 = Tele, 3 = Exit, 4 = Warn

On Hostile          = "0"

On Namelock          = "0"

Town Life          = "70"

Quit Life        = "50"

Town Mana        = "0"

Quit Mana          = "0"

CheckSafe Town          = "false"

CheckSafe Rejuv        = "false"

Use Antidotes        = "true"

[Potion Settings]

Use Auto Potion      = "true"   

Drink Life          = "85"

Drink Life Rejuv      = "80"

Drink Mana          = "10"

Drink Mana Rejuv      = "0"

Life Potion Delay      = "2500"

Mana Potion Delay      = "2500"

Rejuv Delay          = "250"

ShowPotionsUseOnScreen    = "true"

ShowPotionsUseOnConsole  = "true"


Print Chicken          = "true"

Print Command Echoes    = "false"

[NG Message] // Exiting game will spam this first then exit.

// !time! for current game timer

// !xpremain! for xp remaining

// !xppercent! for xp percent

// !xpgain! for amount of gained xp   

// !gamesleft! amount of games left to level

// !song! current winamp song

// !him! current target

// !me! current character name

Use NG Message    = "true"

Line 1 = ""

Line 2 = "Where the bigger fish roam."

Line 3 = ""

Line 4 = ""

Line 5 = ""

Line 6 = ""

Line 7 = ""

Line 8 = ""

Line 9 = ""

Line 10 = ""

Line 11 = ""


[Spam Message]

## !song! = winamp string

Spam Key        = "Q"
Line 1                =    "  .d888888b.    888              888  888b        888  8888888888  8888888b.  "
Line 2                =    "d88P"  "Y88b  888      o    888  8888b      888  888                888    "Y88b"
Line 3                =    "888        888  888    d8b    888  88888b    888  888                888      888"
Line 4                =    "888        888  888  d888b  888  888Y88b  888  8888888        888      888"
Line 5                =    "888        888  888d88888b888  888  Y88b888  888                888      888"
Line 6                =    "888        888  88888P  Y88888  888    Y88888  888                888      888"
Line 7                =    "Y88b.  .d88P  8888P      Y8888  888      Y8888  888                888    .d88P"
Line 8                =    "  "Y88888P"    888P          Y888    888        Y888    8888888888  8888888P  "

[Death Message]

## !me! = your character name, !him! = dead player name, !song! = winamp string
## !score1! = kill count in game, !score2! = kill count since load

Use Death Message = "true"

Line 1                =    "            .-------------------------------------------------------------------------."
Line 2                =    "          ( I know not to duel with BMPK becuz its shitty                )"
Line 3                =    "          /'-------------------------------------------------------------------------'"
Line 4                =    "        /      , _.-~~-.__            __.,----."
Line 5                =    "      (';    __( )        ~~~'--..--~~        '."
Line 6                =    "(    . \''..-'  ')|                    .                \  '."
Line 7                =    "\\. |\.'                    ;      .  ;                  ;  ;"
Line 8                =    "  \ \'''  /9)                '      .  ;                    ;"
Line 9                =    "  ; )          )    (        '      .  ;            '        ."
Line 10                =    "    )    _  __.-'-._  ;      '      . ,        /\        ;"
Line 11                =    "    '-''''--'      ; ''-. '.    '                _.-(    ''.      ("
Line 12                =    "                  ;    \,)    )--,..--------';'    >  ;    ."
Line 13                =    "                  \  ( |  /              (    /      .    ;"
Line 14                =    "    ,  ,          )  | ; .(      .    ,  , )  /        \\    ;"
Line 15                =    ",;'-PjP;.';.-.;._/;,;)/;.;..;,,;,;,,;,;,;/;;,),;.,;,;,;/,;.,;).,;,

Attached Files
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1 User
Old 10/10/2013, 16:34   #2
mirkoregge's Avatar
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Füge die Datei am besten als Anhang dazu; die Downloadlinks gehten recht schnell down.
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Old 10/10/2013, 17:54   #3
elite*gold: 20
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das war doch des keylogger prog?

btw bei mir funktioniert der virustotal link nicht 404 not found
Mecco-Pekko is offline  
Old 10/10/2013, 18:27   #4's Avatar
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dann lädste die datei halt noch mal bei VT hoch,solange sie als zip ist is sie ungefährlich ich hab aber auch kleine Anzeichen dafür gefunden das er nach hause telefoniert.

Sandbox Analyze

So wirklich Handfestes ist da nicht bei. is offline  
Old 10/13/2013, 09:49   #5
Northern Light's Avatar
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und für was ist das ganze?
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Old 10/13/2013, 13:04   #6's Avatar
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Schau die Konfig die ich gepostet hab,das isn Multihack is offline  
Old 10/13/2013, 13:47   #7
TomekkXo's Avatar
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Kann das mal einer auf Keylogger oder so Checken?^^
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Old 10/13/2013, 13:59   #8's Avatar
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Jetzt komm ich mir verarscht vor,was sagt den das Fette Bild aus was ich gepostet habe und der Link im Start Threat und in meinem zweiten beitrag -_-

Bitte nicht dümmer stellen wie man ist.

//edit ich find nix auffälligen was auf ein Keylogger hinweist,sieht jemand anders was ???

nur die Zeile
push    offset aEasyloadV1_1By; \"EasyLoad v1.1\\nby Jan Miller\\nwww.gamemun\"...
verweist auf eien URL,von der kommt aber keine Antwort zurück so das dort ein php interface für eine Malware hätte liegen können.

graph: {
title: "Graph of _main"
manhattan_edges: yes
layoutalgorithm: mindepth
finetuning: no
layout_downfactor: 100
layout_upfactor: 0
layout_nearfactor: 0
xlspace: 12
yspace: 30
// IDA palette
colorentry 32: 0 0 0
colorentry 33: 0 0 255
colorentry 34: 0 0 255
colorentry 35: 128 128 128
colorentry 36: 128 128 128
colorentry 37: 0 0 128
colorentry 38: 0 0 128
colorentry 39: 0 0 255
colorentry 40: 0 0 255
colorentry 41: 0 0 128
colorentry 42: 0 128 0
colorentry 43: 0 255 0
colorentry 44: 0 128 0
colorentry 45: 255 128 0
colorentry 46: 0 128 0
colorentry 47: 128 128 255
colorentry 48: 255 0 0
colorentry 49: 128 128 0
colorentry 50: 1 1 1
colorentry 51: 192 192 192
colorentry 52: 0 0 255
colorentry 53: 0 0 255
colorentry 54: 0 0 255
colorentry 55: 128 128 128
colorentry 56: 128 128 255
colorentry 57: 0 128 0
colorentry 58: 0 0 128
colorentry 59: 0 0 255
colorentry 60: 128 0 128
colorentry 61: 0 128 0
colorentry 62: 0 128 0
colorentry 63: 0 128 64
colorentry 64: 0 0 128
colorentry 65: 0 0 128
colorentry 66: 255 0 255
colorentry 67: 128 128 0
colorentry 68: 0 0 128
colorentry 69: 0 0 255
colorentry 70: 0 0 128
colorentry 71: 0 0 255
colorentry 72: 0 0 0
colorentry 73: 255 255 255
colorentry 74: 192 192 192
colorentry 75: 0 255 255
colorentry 76: 0 0 0
colorentry 77: 128 0 0
colorentry 78: 128 128 128
colorentry 79: 128 128 0
colorentry 80: 255 0 255
colorentry 81: 0 0 0
colorentry 82: 0 0 255
colorentry 83: 0 0 0
node: { title: "0" label: "69_main31:
sub     esp, 14h
push    offset aEasyloadV1_1By; \"EasyLoad v1.1\\nby Jan Miller\\nwww.gamemun\"...
call    _printf
add     esp, 4
call    sub_4015E0
test    eax, eax
jnz     short loc_401020" vertical_order: 0 }
node: { title: "1" label: "760040101931:
push    offset aErrorWindowsnt; \"\\tError: WindowsNT required. Please upda\"...
jmp     short loc_40102E" }
node: { title: "2" label: "58loc_40102031:
call    sub_401510
test    eax, eax
jnz     short loc_401036" }
node: { title: "3" label: "760040102931:
push    offset aErrorFailedToS; \"\\tError: Failed to set privilidge level.\"..." }
node: { title: "4" label: "58loc_40102E31:
call    _printf
add     esp, 4" }
node: { title: "5" label: "58loc_40103631:
push    ebx
push    ebp
push    esi
push    edi
push    0
push    offset aD2win_dll; \"D2WIN.DLL\"
call    sub_401330
mov     ebp, eax
add     esp, 8
test    ebp, ebp
jnz     short loc_401066" }
node: { title: "6" label: "760040104F31:
push    offset aErrorCouldnTFi; \"\\tError: Couldn't find any process to ho\"...
call    _printf
add     esp, 4
xor     eax, eax
pop     edi
pop     esi
pop     ebp
pop     ebx
add     esp, 14h
retn" vertical_order: 40 }
node: { title: "7" label: "58loc_40106631:
mov     ebx, offset off_407034
mov     dword ptr [esp+14h], 0
mov     [esp+24h+var_8], ebx" }
node: { title: "8" label: "58loc_40107731:
mov     ecx, 41h
xor     eax, eax
mov     edi, offset Buffer
push    offset Buffer   ; lpBuffer
rep stosd
push    104h            ; nBufferLength
call    ds:GetCurrentDirectoryA
test    eax, eax
jz      loc_40131B" }
node: { title: "9" label: "760040109D31:
mov     edi, offset asc_407150; \"\\\\\"
or      ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
xor     eax, eax
repne scasb
not     ecx
sub     edi, ecx
mov     esi, edi
mov     edx, ecx
mov     edi, offset Buffer
or      ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
repne scasb
mov     ecx, edx
dec     edi
shr     ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov     ecx, edx
and     ecx, 3
rep movsb
mov     edi, [ebx]
or      ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
repne scasb
not     ecx
sub     edi, ecx
mov     esi, edi
mov     edx, ecx
mov     edi, offset Buffer
or      ecx, 0FFFFFFFFh
repne scasb
mov     ecx, edx
dec     edi
shr     ecx, 2
rep movsd
mov     ecx, edx
and     ecx, 3
cmp     ebp, 1
rep movsb
jle     loc_4011DF" }
node: { title: "10" label: "76004010FB31:
push    offset aMultipleProces; \"\\tMultiple process avilable for injectio\"...
call    _printf
push    offset aOption0InjectA; \"\\t\\tOption 0: Inject all\\n\"
call    _printf
add     esp, 8
xor     eax, eax
test    ebp, ebp
jle     short loc_40113C" }
node: { title: "11" label: "760040111831:
mov     esi, offset unk_407C78" }
node: { title: "12" label: "58loc_40111D31:
lea     edi, [eax+1]
mov     eax, [esi-4]
push    eax
push    esi
push    edi
push    offset aOptionDInjectI; \"\\t\\tOption %d: Inject into \\\"%s\\\" (PID: %08\"...
call    _printf
mov     eax, edi
add     esp, 10h
add     esi, 50h
cmp     eax, ebp
jl      short loc_40111D" }
node: { title: "13" label: "58loc_40113C31:
push    offset aPleaseEnterOpt; \"\\n\\tPlease enter option: \"
call    _printf
mov     eax, stru_4073E8._cnt
add     esp, 4
dec     eax
mov     stru_4073E8._cnt, eax
js      short loc_401169" }
node: { title: "14" label: "760040115631:
mov     eax, stru_4073E8._ptr
mov     cl, [eax]
inc     eax
mov     [esp+24h+var_11], cl
mov     stru_4073E8._ptr, eax
jmp     short loc_40117A" }
node: { title: "15" label: "58loc_40116931:
push    offset stru_4073E8; FILE *
call    __filbuf
add     esp, 4
mov     [esp+24h+var_11], al" }
node: { title: "16" label: "58loc_40117A31:
lea     edx, [esp+24h+var_11]
push    edx             ; char *
call    _atoi
add     esp, 4
test    eax, eax
jz      short loc_4011B9" }
node: { title: "17" label: "760040118B31:
dec     eax
js      loc_40130E" }
node: { title: "18" label: "760040119231:
cmp     eax, ebp
jge     loc_40130E" }
node: { title: "19" label: "760040119A31:
lea     eax, [eax+eax*4]
push    offset asc_4070B0; \"\\n\"
shl     eax, 4
mov     dword_407CBC[eax], 1
call    _printf
add     esp, 4
jmp     short loc_4011FA" }
node: { title: "20" label: "58loc_4011B931:
test    ebp, ebp
jle     short loc_4011D0" }
node: { title: "21" label: "76004011BD31:
mov     eax, offset dword_407CBC
mov     ecx, ebp" }
node: { title: "22" label: "58loc_4011C431:
mov     dword ptr [eax], 1
add     eax, 50h
dec     ecx
jnz     short loc_4011C4" }
node: { title: "23" label: "58loc_4011D031:
push    offset asc_4070B0; \"\\n\"
call    _printf
add     esp, 4
jmp     short loc_4011FA" }
node: { title: "24" label: "58loc_4011DF31:
test    ebp, ebp
jle     loc_4012F1" }
node: { title: "25" label: "76004011E731:
mov     eax, offset dword_407CBC
mov     ecx, ebp" }
node: { title: "26" label: "58loc_4011EE31:
mov     dword ptr [eax], 1
add     eax, 50h
dec     ecx
jnz     short loc_4011EE" }
node: { title: "27" label: "58loc_4011FA31:
test    ebp, ebp
jle     loc_4012F1" }
node: { title: "28" label: "760040120231:
mov     esi, offset unk_407C70
mov     [esp+24h+var_C], ebp" }
node: { title: "29" label: "58loc_40120B31:
mov     eax, [ebx-4]
test    eax, eax
jz      loc_4012DF" }
node: { title: "30" label: "760040121631:
mov     eax, [esi+4Ch]
test    eax, eax
jz      loc_4012DF" }
node: { title: "31" label: "760040122131:
mov     ecx, [esi+4]
mov     eax, [esp+14h]
push    ecx
mov     ecx, [ebx]
lea     edx, [esi+8]
inc     eax
push    edx
push    ecx
push    eax
push    offset aDInjectingSInt; \"\\t#%d: Injecting %s into %s (%08X)\\n\"
mov     [esp+28h], eax
call    _printf
mov     edx, [esi]
add     esp, 14h
push    4               ; flProtect
push    1000h           ; flAllocationType
push    104h            ; dwSize
push    0               ; lpAddress
push    edx             ; hProcess
call    ds:VirtualAllocEx
mov     edi, eax
test    edi, edi
jz      short loc_4012DF" }
node: { title: "32" label: "760040126031:
mov     eax, [esi]
push    0               ; lpNumberOfBytesWritten
push    104h            ; nSize
push    offset Buffer   ; lpBuffer
push    edi             ; lpBaseAddress
push    eax             ; hProcess
call    ds:WriteProcessMemory
push    offset ModuleName; \"kernel32.dll\"
call    ds:GetModuleHandleA
cmp     eax, 0FFFFFFFFh
jz      short loc_4012DF" }
node: { title: "33" label: "760040128631:
push    offset ProcName ; \"LoadLibraryA\"
push    eax             ; hModule
call    ds:GetProcAddress
test    eax, eax
jz      short loc_4012DF" }
node: { title: "34" label: "760040129631:
mov     ecx, [esi]
push    0               ; lpThreadId
push    0               ; dwCreationFlags
push    edi             ; lpParameter
push    eax             ; lpStartAddress
push    0               ; dwStackSize
push    0               ; lpThreadAttributes
push    ecx             ; hProcess
call    ds:CreateRemoteThread
mov     ebx, eax
push    0FFFFFFFFh      ; dwMilliseconds
push    ebx             ; hHandle
call    ds:WaitForSingleObject
lea     edx, [esp+24h+ExitCode]
push    edx             ; lpExitCode
push    ebx             ; hThread
call    ds:GetExitCodeThread
push    ebx             ; hObject
call    ds:CloseHandle
mov     eax, [esi]
push    8000h           ; dwFreeType
push    104h            ; dwSize
push    edi             ; lpAddress
push    eax             ; hProcess
call    ds:VirtualFreeEx
mov     ebx, [esp+24h+var_8]" }
node: { title: "35" label: "58loc_4012DF31:
mov     eax, [esp+24h+var_C]
add     esi, 50h
dec     eax
mov     [esp+24h+var_C], eax
jnz     loc_40120B" }
node: { title: "36" label: "58loc_4012F131:
add     ebx, 8
cmp     ebx, offset aPkv_dll; \"PKv.dll\"
mov     [esp+24h+var_8], ebx
jl      loc_401077" }
node: { title: "37" label: "760040130431:
pop     edi
pop     esi
pop     ebp
xor     eax, eax
pop     ebx
add     esp, 14h
retn" vertical_order: 40 }
node: { title: "38" label: "58loc_40130E31:
push    offset aErrorOptionWas; \"\\tError: option was invalid! Aborting ..\"...
call    _printf
add     esp, 4" }
node: { title: "39" label: "58loc_40131B31:
pop     edi
pop     esi
pop     ebp
xor     eax, eax
pop     ebx
add     esp, 14h
retn" vertical_order: 40 }
// node 0
edge: { sourcename: "0" targetname: "1" }
edge: { sourcename: "0" targetname: "2" }
edge: { sourcename: "0" targetname: "2" }
// node 1
edge: { sourcename: "1" targetname: "4" }
edge: { sourcename: "1" targetname: "4" }
// node 2
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edge: { sourcename: "2" targetname: "5" }
edge: { sourcename: "2" targetname: "5" }
// node 3
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// node 4
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// node 5
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edge: { sourcename: "5" targetname: "7" }
// node 6
// node 7
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// node 8
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edge: { sourcename: "8" targetname: "39" }
edge: { sourcename: "8" targetname: "39" }
// node 9
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edge: { sourcename: "9" targetname: "24" }
// node 10
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edge: { sourcename: "10" targetname: "13" }
edge: { sourcename: "10" targetname: "13" }
// node 11
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// node 12
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edge: { sourcename: "12" targetname: "12" }
// node 13
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edge: { sourcename: "13" targetname: "15" }
edge: { sourcename: "13" targetname: "15" }
// node 14
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edge: { sourcename: "14" targetname: "16" }
// node 15
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// node 16
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edge: { sourcename: "16" targetname: "20" }
edge: { sourcename: "16" targetname: "20" }
// node 17
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edge: { sourcename: "17" targetname: "38" }
edge: { sourcename: "17" targetname: "38" }
// node 18
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edge: { sourcename: "18" targetname: "38" }
edge: { sourcename: "18" targetname: "38" }
// node 19
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edge: { sourcename: "19" targetname: "27" }
// node 20
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edge: { sourcename: "20" targetname: "23" }
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// node 21
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// node 22
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edge: { sourcename: "22" targetname: "22" }
edge: { sourcename: "22" targetname: "22" }
// node 23
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edge: { sourcename: "23" targetname: "27" }
// node 24
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edge: { sourcename: "24" targetname: "36" }
edge: { sourcename: "24" targetname: "36" }
// node 25
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// node 26
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edge: { sourcename: "26" targetname: "26" }
edge: { sourcename: "26" targetname: "26" }
// node 27
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edge: { sourcename: "27" targetname: "36" }
edge: { sourcename: "27" targetname: "36" }
// node 28
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// node 29
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edge: { sourcename: "29" targetname: "35" }
edge: { sourcename: "29" targetname: "35" }
// node 30
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edge: { sourcename: "30" targetname: "35" }
edge: { sourcename: "30" targetname: "35" }
// node 31
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edge: { sourcename: "31" targetname: "35" }
edge: { sourcename: "31" targetname: "35" }
// node 32
edge: { sourcename: "32" targetname: "33" }
edge: { sourcename: "32" targetname: "35" }
edge: { sourcename: "32" targetname: "35" }
// node 33
edge: { sourcename: "33" targetname: "34" }
edge: { sourcename: "33" targetname: "35" }
edge: { sourcename: "33" targetname: "35" }
// node 34
edge: { sourcename: "34" targetname: "35" }
// node 35
edge: { sourcename: "35" targetname: "29" }
edge: { sourcename: "35" targetname: "36" }
edge: { sourcename: "35" targetname: "29" }
// node 36
edge: { sourcename: "36" targetname: "8" }
edge: { sourcename: "36" targetname: "37" }
edge: { sourcename: "36" targetname: "8" }
// node 37
// node 38
edge: { sourcename: "38" targetname: "39" }
// node 39
//edit hier ist auch nichts zu finden is offline  
Old 11/14/2015, 17:39   #9
elite*gold: 0
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Old 08/30/2018, 16:55   #10
elite*gold: 0
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Como funciona ?
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