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Reveal Act Hilfe

Discussion on Reveal Act Hilfe within the Diablo 2 Programming forum part of the Diablo 2 category.

Old   #1
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Reveal Act Hilfe

Hallo zusammen,

ich habe beschlossen nach langer Pause mal wieder mit Diablo anzufangen.
Deßhalb wollte ich mir erstmal wieder einen simplen Maphack schreiben.

Ich war so frei und hab mir dafür einfach mal den aktuellen AutoTeleport(1.2) geladen um diesen als "Base" zu benutzen.

Was mich erstmal verblüfft: dieser hat absolut keine AntiDetections drin(Peb Hidding oder ähnliches).

Was sagt Warden dazu?

Naja, zum eigentlichen Problem:
Ich hab jez mal einen Simplen MaphackThread reingepackt wie er auch bei mMap benutzt wurde. Leider crasht das Game meistens, hin und wieder jedoch revealed er die ersten paar Meter der Map:

Ich dachte erst das es vll an den Structs liegt, aber soviel ich sehe sind das alle die aktuellen..

Hier mal der SRC, vll kann mir einer helfen :-)

DWORD __declspec(naked) __fastcall D2CLIENT_GetUIVar_STUB(DWORD varno)
		mov eax, ecx;
		jmp D2CLIENT_GetUiVar_I;

DWORD __declspec(naked) __fastcall D2CLIENT_InitAutomapLayer_STUB(DWORD nLayerNo)
      push eax;
      mov eax, ecx;
      call D2CLIENT_InitAutomapLayer_I;
      pop eax;

AutomapLayer* InitAutomapLayer(DWORD levelno)
   AutomapLayer2 *pLayer = D2COMMON_GetLayer(levelno);
   if (!pLayer)
      return false;
   return D2CLIENT_InitAutomapLayer(pLayer->nLayerNo);

void DrawPresets (Room2 *pRoom2)
	UnitAny *pPlayer = D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit ();

	for (PresetUnit *pUnit = pRoom2->pPreset; pUnit; pUnit = pUnit->pPresetNext)
		int mCell = -1;
		if (pUnit->dwType == 1)//Special NPCs.
			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 256)//Izzy
				mCell = 300;
			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 745)//Hephasto
				mCell = 745;
		} else if (pUnit->dwType == 2) { //Objects on Map

			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 580 && pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo == 79)		
				mCell = 318;
			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 371) 
				mCell = 301; //Countess Chest
			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 152) 
				mCell = 300; //A2 Orifice
			if (pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 460) 
				mCell = 1468; //Frozen Anya
			if ((pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 402) && (pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo == 46))
				mCell = 0; //Canyon/Arcane Waypoint
			if ((pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 267) && (pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo != 75) && (pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo != 103))
				mCell = 0;
			if ((pUnit->dwTxtFileNo == 376) && (pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo == 107))
				mCell = 376;

			if (mCell == -1)
				if(pUnit->dwTxtFileNo > 574)
					mCell = pUnit->dwTxtFileNo - 574;
				else {
		} else if (pUnit->dwType == 5) {
			LevelNameInfo *pInfo = new LevelNameInfo;
			for (RoomTile *pTile = pRoom2->pRoomTiles; pTile; pTile = pTile->pNext)
				if (*(pTile->nNum) == pUnit->dwTxtFileNo)
					pInfo->nLevelId = pTile->pRoom2->pLevel->dwLevelNo;
			pInfo->nAct = pPlayer->dwAct;
			pInfo->nX = (pUnit->dwPosX + (pRoom2->dwPosX * 5) - (8 << 1));
			pInfo->nY = (pUnit->dwPosY + (pRoom2->dwPosY * 5) - 10);

		if ((mCell > 0) && (mCell < 1258))
			AutomapCell *pCell = D2CLIENT_NewAutomapCell();
			pCell->nCellNo = mCell;
			int pX = (pUnit->dwPosX + (pRoom2->dwPosX * 5));
			int pY = (pUnit->dwPosY + (pRoom2->dwPosY * 5));
			pCell->xPixel = (((pX - pY) * 16) / 10) + 1;
			pCell->yPixel = (((pY + pX) * 8) / 10) - 3;

			D2CLIENT_AddAutomapCell(pCell, &((*p_D2CLIENT_AutomapLayer)->pObjects));

Level* GetLevelPointer(ActMisc *pActMisc, int nLevel)
	if ((!pActMisc) || (nLevel < 0))
		return false;

	for (Level *pLevel = pActMisc->pLevelFirst; pLevel; pLevel = pLevel->pNextLevel)
		if (!pLevel)

		if ((pLevel->dwLevelNo == nLevel) && (pLevel->dwSizeX > 0))
			return pLevel;
	return D2COMMON_GetLevel(pActMisc, nLevel);

bool RevealLevel(Level *pLevel)
   if (!pLevel)
      return false;

   if (!InitAutomapLayer(pLevel->dwLevelNo))
      return false;

   UnitAny *pUnit = D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit ();
   if (!pUnit)
      return false;

   for (Room2 *pRoom2 = pLevel->pRoom2First; pRoom2; pRoom2 = pRoom2->pRoom2Other)
      bool nAdded = false;   
      if (!pRoom2->pRoom1)

         D2COMMON_AddRoomData(pLevel->pMisc->pAct,pLevel->dwLevelNo, pRoom2->dwPosX, pRoom2->dwPosY, pUnit->pPath->pRoom1);
         nAdded = true;

      if (!pRoom2->pRoom1)
      D2CLIENT_RevealAutomapRoom(pRoom2->pRoom1, TRUE, (*p_D2CLIENT_AutomapLayer));

      if (nAdded)
         D2COMMON_RemoveRoomData(pLevel->pMisc->pAct, pLevel->dwLevelNo, pRoom2->dwPosX, pRoom2->dwPosY, D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit()->pPath->pRoom1);


   return true;

BOOL RevealAct()
   UnitAny *pUnit = D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit ();
   if (!pUnit)
      return false;

   int townLevels[6] = {1, 40, 75, 103, 109, 132};

   for (int nLevel = townLevels[pUnit->dwAct] + 1; nLevel < townLevels[pUnit->dwAct + 1]; nLevel++)
      Level *pLevel = GetLevelPointer(pUnit->pAct->pMisc, nLevel);



      if (!pLevel->pRoom2First)


   return true;

DWORD WINAPI MaphackThread(LPVOID lpParameter)
	bool nRevealedActs[5];
	bool hasReset = true;

	while(!GameReady ())
		SleepEx(50, true);

		SleepEx(100, true); 

		if (GameReady() && hasReset)

			UnitAny *pUnit = D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit ();

				char nWinName[1024];
				sprintf_s(nWinName, 1024, "xxxbiatch");
				SetWindowText(D2GFX_GetHwnd(), nWinName);

			nGameTimer = GetTickCount ();
			hasReset = false;
			for (int n = 0; n < LevelNames.GetSize(); n++)
				delete LevelNames.GetAt(n);
		} else if (!GameReady () && *p_D2WIN_FirstControl && !hasReset) {
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				nRevealedActs[i] = false;

			hasReset = true;

		if (!GameReady ())

		UnitAny *pUnit = D2CLIENT_GetPlayerUnit ();

		if (!pUnit)
		if (!D2CLIENT_GetUiVar(0x01))
			uViewingUnit = NULL;

		if (uViewingUnit && uViewingUnit->dwUnitId)
			if (!uViewingUnit->pInventory)
				uViewingUnit = NULL;
				D2CLIENT_SetUiVar(0x01, 1, 0);			
			} else if (!D2CLIENT_FindServerSideUnit(uViewingUnit->dwUnitId, uViewingUnit->dwType))
				uViewingUnit = NULL;
				D2CLIENT_SetUiVar(0x01, 1, 0);

		if (nRevealedActs[pUnit->dwAct] != true)
			SleepEx(10000, true);
			RevealAct ();
			nRevealedActs[pUnit->dwAct] = true;

	return 0;

		DefineOffsets ();
			oldWNDPROC = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLongPtr(D2GFX_GetHwnd(), GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)GameEventHandler);
		PrintText(FONTCOLOR_RED, "ÿc4test.exe:ÿc1 injected");

		return 1;
	if(dwReason==DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) {
			TerminateThread(TELEHANDLE, 0);
	return true;
Ptr mäßig habe ich nur diese beiden hinzugefügt:
VARPTR(D2WIN, FirstControl, Control *, 0x214A0)
FUNCPTR(D2CLIENT, SetUiVar, DWORD __fastcall, (DWORD varno, DWORD howset, DWORD unknown1), 0xC2790)
//Edit: und hier noch die structs:
struct TargetInfo;
struct LevelNameInfo;
struct UnitAny;
struct Room1;
struct Room2;
struct Level;
struct Act;
struct ActMisc;
struct RosterUnit;
struct OverheadMsg;

struct TargetInfo {
	UnitAny* pPlayer;
	WORD	xPos;
	WORD	yPos;

struct LevelNameInfo
	int nX;
	int nY;
	int nLevelId;
	int nAct;

struct InventoryInfo 
	int nLocation;
	int nMaxXCells;
	int nMaxYCells;

struct GameStructInfo
	DWORD _1[6];					//0x00
	WORD _1a;						//0x18
	char szGameName[0x18];			//0x1A
	char szGameServerIp[0x56];		//0x32
	char szAccountName[0x30];		//0x88
	char szCharName[0x18];			//0xB8
	char szRealmName[0x18];			//0xD0
	BYTE _2[0x157];					//0xE8
	char szGamePassword[0x18];		//0x23F

struct AutomapCell {
	DWORD fSaved;					//0x00
	WORD nCellNo;					//0x04
	WORD xPixel;					//0x06
	WORD yPixel;					//0x08
	WORD wWeight;					//0x0A
	AutomapCell *pLess;				//0x0C
	AutomapCell *pMore;				//0x10

struct GfxCell {
	DWORD flags;					//0x00
	DWORD width;					//0x04
	DWORD height;					//0x08
	DWORD xoffs;					//0x0C
	DWORD yoffs;					//0x10
	DWORD _2;						//0x14
	DWORD lpParent;					//0x18
	DWORD length;					//0x1C
	BYTE cols;						//0x20

struct InteractStruct
	DWORD dwMoveType;			//0x00
	UnitAny* lpPlayerUnit;		//0x04
	UnitAny* lpTargetUnit;		//0x08
	DWORD dwTargetX;			//0x0C
	DWORD dwTargetY;			//0x10
	DWORD _1;					//0x14
	DWORD _2;					//0x18

struct CellFile {
	DWORD dwVersion;				//0x00
	struct {
		WORD dwFlags;
		BYTE mylastcol;
		BYTE mytabno:1;
	};								//0x04
	DWORD eFormat;					//0x08
	DWORD termination;				//0x0C
	DWORD numdirs;					//0x10
	DWORD numcells;					//0x14
	GfxCell *cells[1];				//0x18

struct CellContext {
	DWORD direction;				//0x00
	GfxCell *hCell;					//0x04
	DWORD _1[0xD];					//0x08
	CellFile* pCellFile;			//0x3C
	DWORD _2;						//0x40
	DWORD nCellNo;					//0x44

struct AutomapLayer {
	DWORD nLayerNo;					//0x00
	DWORD fSaved;					//0x04
	AutomapCell *pFloors;			//0x08
	AutomapCell *pWalls;			//0x0C
	AutomapCell *pObjects;			//0x10
	AutomapCell *pExtras;			//0x14
	AutomapLayer *pNextLayer;		//0x18

struct AutomapLayer2 {
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x00
	DWORD nLayerNo;					//0x08

struct LevelTxt {
	DWORD dwLevelNo;				//0x00
	DWORD _1[60];					//0x04
	BYTE _2;						//0xF4
	char szName[40]; //+16e
	char szEntranceText[40];		//0x11D
	char szLevelDesc[41];			//0x145
	wchar_t wName[40];				//0x16E
	wchar_t wEntranceText[40];		//0x1BE
	BYTE nObjGroup[8];				//0x196
	BYTE nObjPrb[8];				//0x19E

struct ControlText {
	wchar_t* wText; //0x00
	DWORD _1[4];	//0x04
	DWORD dwColor;	//0x14
	DWORD _2;		//0x18
	ControlText* pNext;//0x1C

struct Control { //
	DWORD dwType;					//0x00
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x04
	DWORD dwPosX;					//0x0C
	DWORD dwPosY;					//0x10
	DWORD dwSizeX;					//0x14
	DWORD dwSizeY;					//0x18
	DWORD fnCallback;				//0x1C
	DWORD _2;						//0x20
	DWORD fnClick;					//0x24
	DWORD _3[5];					//0x38
	Control *pNext;					//0x3C
	DWORD _4[2];					//0x40
	ControlText* pFirstText;		//0x48
	ControlText* pLastText;			//0x48
	ControlText* pSelectedText;		//0x4C
	DWORD dwSelectStart;			//0x54
	DWORD dwSelectEnd;				//0x58
	union {
		wchar_t wText[256];			//0x5C
		struct {
			DWORD _5[2];			//0x5C
			wchar_t wText2[256];	//0x64
	DWORD dwCursorPos;				//0x25C
	DWORD dwIsCloaked;				//0x260

#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)

struct RoomTile {
	Room2* pRoom2;					//0x00
	RoomTile* pNext;				//0x04
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x08
	DWORD *nNum;					//0x10
struct RosterUnit {
	char szName[16];				//0x00
	DWORD dwUnitId;					//0x10
	DWORD dwPartyLife;				//0x14
	DWORD _1;						//0x18
	DWORD dwClassId;                //0x1C
	WORD wLevel;					//0x20
	WORD wPartyId;  				//0x22
	DWORD dwLevelId;                //0x24
	DWORD Xpos;						//0x28
	DWORD Ypos;						//0x2C
	DWORD dwPartyFlags;				//0x30
	BYTE * _5;						//0x34
	DWORD _6[11];					//0x38
	WORD _7;						//0x64
	char szName2[16];				//0x66
	WORD _8;						//0x76
	DWORD _9[2];					//0x78
	RosterUnit * pNext;				//0x80

struct PartyPlayer { 
char name2[0x10]; //+00 
DWORD nUnitId; //+10 
DWORD life; //+14 
DWORD _2[1]; 
DWORD chrtype; //+1c 
WORD chrlvl; //+20 
WORD partyno; //+22 
DWORD _3[4]; 
DWORD flags; //+34 
DWORD mems; //+38 
BYTE _4[0x2a]; 
char name[1]; //+66 
BYTE _5[0x1d]; 

struct QuestInfo {
	void *pBuffer;					//0x00
	DWORD _1;						//0x04

struct Waypoint {
	BYTE flags;						//0x00

struct PlayerData {
	char szName[0x10];				//0x00
	QuestInfo *pNormalQuest;		//0x10
	QuestInfo *pNightmareQuest;		//0x14
	QuestInfo *pHellQuest;			//0x18
	Waypoint *pNormalWaypoint;		//0x1c
	Waypoint *pNightmareWaypoint;	//0x20
	Waypoint *pHellWaypoint;		//0x24

struct CollMap {
	DWORD dwPosGameX;				//0x00
	DWORD dwPosGameY;				//0x04
	DWORD dwSizeGameX;				//0x08
	DWORD dwSizeGameY;				//0x0C
	DWORD dwPosRoomX;				//0x10
	DWORD dwPosRoomY;				//0x14
	DWORD dwSizeRoomX;				//0x18
	DWORD dwSizeRoomY;				//0x1C
	WORD *pMapStart;				//0x20
	WORD *pMapEnd;					//0x22

struct PresetUnit {
	DWORD _1;						//0x00
	DWORD dwTxtFileNo;				//0x04
	DWORD dwPosX;					//0x08
	PresetUnit* pPresetNext;		//0x0C
	DWORD _2;						//0x10
	DWORD dwType;					//0x14
	DWORD dwPosY;					//0x18

struct Level {
   DWORD _1[4];               //0x00
   Room2* pRoom2First;            //0x10
   DWORD _2[2];               //0x14
   DWORD dwPosX;               //0x1C
   DWORD dwPosY;               //0x20
   DWORD dwSizeX;               //0x24
   DWORD dwSizeY;               //0x28
   DWORD _3[96];               //0x2C
   Level *pNextLevel;            //0x1AC
   DWORD _4;                  //0x1B0
   ActMisc * pMisc;            //0x1B4
   DWORD _5[3];               //0x1B8
   DWORD dwSeed[2];            //0x1C4
   DWORD _6;                  //0x1CC
   DWORD dwLevelNo;            //0x1D0
}; //1.13c

struct Room2
  DWORD _1[2];
  Room2 **pRoom2Near; // 0x08
  DWORD _2[2];
  DWORD seed[2]; // 0x14
  Room2 *prev; // 0x1C
  DWORD _3;
  Room2 *pRoom2Next; // 0x24
  DWORD _4;
  DWORD dwRoomsNear; // 0x2C
  Room1 *pRoom1; // 0x30
  DWORD dwPosX; // 0x34
  DWORD dwPosY; // 0x38
  DWORD dwSizeX; // 0x3C
  DWORD dwSizeY; // 0x40
  DWORD _5[2];
  RoomTile *pRoomTiles; // 0x4C
  DWORD _6[2];
  Level *pLevel; // 0x58
  PresetUnit *pPreset; // 0x5C
  BYTE _7[0x88];
  Room2 *pRoom2Other; // 0xE8
#pragma pack(pop)
// updated
struct Room1
  Room1 **pRoomsNear;; // 0x00
  DWORD _1[3];
  Room2 *pRoom2; // 0x10
  DWORD _2[3];
  CollMap* Coll; // 0x20
  DWORD dwRoomsNear; // 0x24
  DWORD _3;
  Act *act; // 0x2C
  BYTE _4[0x1C];
  DWORD base_x; // 0x4C
  DWORD base_y; // 0x50
  DWORD size_x; // 0x54
  DWORD size_y; // 0x58
  DWORD r_x; // 0x5C
  DWORD r_y; // 0x60
  DWORD r_size_x; // 0x64
  DWORD r_size_y; // 0x68
  DWORD seed[2]; // 0x6C
  UnitAny *pUnitFirst; // 0x74
  DWORD _5;
  Room1 *next; // 0x7C

// updated
struct ActMisc
  BYTE _1[0x94];
  DWORD dwStaffTombLevel; // 0x94
  BYTE _2[0x3D4];
  Act *pAct; // 0x46C
  DWORD _3[3];
  Level *pLevelFirst; // 0x47C

// updated xxx

struct Act
  DWORD _1[4];
  Room1 *pRoom1; // 0x10
  DWORD act_no; // 0x14
  DWORD _2[12];
  ActMisc *pMisc; // 0x48

struct Path {
	WORD xOffset;					//0x00
	WORD xPos;						//0x02
	WORD yOffset;					//0x04
	WORD yPos;						//0x06
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x08
	WORD xTarget;					//0x10
	WORD yTarget;					//0x12
	DWORD _2[2];					//0x14
	Room1 *pRoom1;					//0x1C
	Room1 *pRoomUnk;				//0x20
	DWORD _3[3];					//0x24
	UnitAny *pUnit;					//0x30
	DWORD dwFlags;					//0x34
	DWORD _4;						//0x38
	DWORD dwPathType;				//0x3C
	DWORD dwPrevPathType;			//0x40
	DWORD dwUnitSize;				//0x44
	DWORD _5[4];					//0x48
	UnitAny *pTargetUnit;			//0x58
	DWORD dwTargetType;				//0x5C
	DWORD dwTargetId;				//0x60
	BYTE bDirection;				//0x64

struct ItemPath {
	DWORD _1[3];					//0x00
	DWORD dwPosX;					//0x0C
	DWORD dwPosY;					//0x10
	//Use Path for the rest

struct Stat {
	WORD wSubIndex;					//0x00
	WORD wStatIndex;				//0x02
	DWORD dwStatValue;				//0x04

struct StatList {
	DWORD _1[9];					//0x00
	Stat *pStat;					//0x24
	WORD wStatCount1;				//0x28
	WORD wStatCount2;				//0x2A
	DWORD _2[2];					//0x2C
	BYTE *_3;						//0x34
	DWORD _4;						//0x38
	StatList *pNext;				//0x3C

struct Inventory {
	DWORD dwSignature;				//0x00
	BYTE *bGame1C;					//0x04
	UnitAny *pOwner;				//0x08
	UnitAny *pFirstItem;			//0x0C
	UnitAny *pLastItem;				//0x10
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x14
	DWORD dwLeftItemUid;			//0x1C
	UnitAny *pCursorItem;			//0x20
	DWORD dwOwnerId;				//0x24
	DWORD dwItemCount;				//0x28

struct Light {
	DWORD _1[3];					//0x00
	DWORD dwType;					//0x0C
	DWORD _2[7];					//0x10
	DWORD dwStaticValid;			//0x2C
	int *pnStaticMap;				//0x30

struct SkillInfo {
	WORD wSkillId;					//0x00

struct Skill {
	SkillInfo *pSkillInfo;			//0x00
	Skill *pNextSkill;				//0x04
	DWORD _1[8];					//0x08
	DWORD dwSkillLevel;				//0x28
	DWORD _2[2];					//0x2C
	DWORD dwFlags;					//0x30

struct Info {
	BYTE *pGame1C;					//0x00
	Skill *pFirstSkill;				//0x04
	Skill *pLeftSkill;				//0x08
	Skill *pRightSkill;				//0x0C

struct ItemData {
	DWORD dwQuality;				//0x00
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x04
	DWORD dwItemFlags;				//0x0C 1 = Owned by player, 0xFFFFFFFF = Not owned
	DWORD _2[2];					//0x10
	DWORD dwFlags;					//0x18
	DWORD _3[3];					//0x1C
	DWORD dwQuality2;				//0x28
	DWORD dwItemLevel;				//0x2C
	DWORD _4[2];					//0x30
	WORD wPrefix;					//0x38
	WORD _5[2];						//0x3A
	WORD wSuffix;					//0x3E
	DWORD _6;						//0x40
	BYTE BodyLocation;				//0x44
	BYTE ItemLocation;				//0x45 Non-body/belt location (Body/Belt == 0xFF)
	BYTE _7;						//0x46
	WORD _8;						//0x47
	DWORD _9[4];					//0x48
	Inventory *pOwnerInventory;		//0x5C
	DWORD _10;						//0x60
	UnitAny *pNextInvItem;			//0x64
	BYTE _11;						//0x68
	BYTE NodePage;					//0x69 Actual location, this is the most reliable by far
	WORD _12;						//0x6A
	DWORD _13[6];					//0x6C
	UnitAny *pOwner;				//0x84

struct ItemTxt {
	wchar_t szName2[0x40];			//0x00
	union {
		DWORD dwCode;
		char szCode[4];
	};								//0x40
	BYTE _2[0x70];					//0x84
	WORD nLocaleTxtNo;				//0xF4
	BYTE _2a[0x19];					//0xF7
	BYTE xSize;						//0xFC
	BYTE ySize;						//0xFD
	BYTE _2b[13];					//0xFE
	BYTE nType;						//0x11E
	BYTE _3[0x0d];					//0x11F
	BYTE fQuest;					//0x12A

struct MonsterTxt {
	BYTE _1[0x6];					//0x00
	WORD nLocaleTxtNo;				//0x06
	WORD flag;						//0x08
	WORD _1a;						//0x0A
	union {
		DWORD flag1;				//0x0C
		struct {
			BYTE flag1a;			//0x0C
			BYTE flag1b;			//0x0D
			BYTE flag1c[2];			//0x0E
	BYTE _2[0x22];					//0x10
	WORD velocity;					//0x32
	BYTE _2a[0x52];					//0x34
	WORD tcs[3][4];					//0x86
	BYTE _2b[0x52];					//0x9E
	wchar_t szDescriptor[0x3c];		//0xF0
	BYTE _3[0x1a0];					//0x12C

struct MonsterData {
	BYTE _1[22];					//0x00
		BYTE fUnk:1;
		BYTE fNormal:1;
		BYTE fChamp:1;
		BYTE fBoss:1;
		BYTE fMinion:1;
	};								//0x16
	WORD _2;						//0x17
	DWORD _3;						//0x18
	BYTE anEnchants[9];				//0x1C
	BYTE _4;						//0x25
	WORD wUniqueNo;					//0x26
	DWORD _5;						//0x28
	struct {
		wchar_t wName[28];
	};								//0x2C

struct ObjectTxt {
	char szName[0x40];				//0x00
	wchar_t wszName[0x40];			//0x40
	BYTE _1[4];						//0xC0
	BYTE nSelectable0;				//0xC4
	BYTE _2[0x87];					//0xC5
	BYTE nOrientation;				//0x14C
	BYTE _2b[0x19];					//0x14D
	BYTE nSubClass;					//0x166
	BYTE _3[0x11];					//0x167
	BYTE nParm0;					//0x178
	BYTE _4[0x39];					//0x179
	BYTE nPopulateFn;				//0x1B2
	BYTE nOperateFn;				//0x1B3
	BYTE _5[8];						//0x1B4
	DWORD nAutoMap;					//0x1BB

struct ObjectData {
	ObjectTxt *pTxt;				//0x00
	DWORD Type;						//0x04 (0x0F would be a Exp Shrine)
	DWORD _1[8];					//0x08
	char szOwner[0x10];				//0x28

struct ObjectPath {
	Room1 *pRoom1;					//0x00
	DWORD _1[2];					//0x04
	DWORD dwPosX;					//0x0C
	DWORD dwPosY;					//0x10
	//Leaving rest undefined, use Path

struct UnitAny {
	DWORD dwType;					//0x00
	DWORD dwTxtFileNo;				//0x04
	DWORD _1;						//0x08
	DWORD dwUnitId;					//0x0C
	DWORD dwMode;					//0x10
		PlayerData *pPlayerData;
		ItemData *pItemData;
		MonsterData *pMonsterData;
		ObjectData *pObjectData;
		//TileData *pTileData doesn't appear to exist anymore
	};								//0x14
	DWORD dwAct;					//0x18
	Act *pAct;						//0x1C
	DWORD dwSeed[2];				//0x20
	DWORD _2;						//0x28
		Path *pPath;
		ItemPath *pItemPath;
		ObjectPath *pObjectPath;
	};								//0x2C
	DWORD _3[5];					//0x30
	DWORD dwGfxFrame;				//0x44
	DWORD dwFrameRemain;			//0x48
	WORD wFrameRate;				//0x4C
	WORD _4;						//0x4E
	BYTE *pGfxUnk;					//0x50
	DWORD *pGfxInfo;				//0x54
	DWORD _5;						//0x58
	StatList *pStats;				//0x5C
	Inventory *pInventory;			//0x60
	Light *ptLight;					//0x64
	DWORD _6[9];					//0x68
	WORD wX;						//0x8C
	WORD wY;						//0x8E
	DWORD _7;						//0x90
	DWORD dwOwnerType;				//0x94
	DWORD dwOwnerId;				//0x98
	DWORD _8[2];					//0x9C
	OverheadMsg* pOMsg;				//0xA4
	Info *pInfo;					//0xA8
	DWORD _9[6];					//0xAC
	DWORD dwFlags;					//0xC4
	DWORD dwFlags2;					//0xC8
	DWORD _10[5];					//0xCC
	UnitAny *pChangedNext;			//0xE0
	UnitAny *pRoomNext;				//0xE4
	UnitAny *pListNext;				//0xE8 -> 0xD8
	char szNameCopy[0x10]; //+0x66

struct BnetData
	DWORD dwId;					//0x00
	DWORD dwId2;				//0x04
	DWORD _1[3];				//0x08
	DWORD dwId3;				//0x14
	WORD Unk3;					//0x18
	char szGameName[22];		//0x1A
	char szGameIP[16];			//0x30
	DWORD _2[16];				//0x40
	DWORD dwId4;				//0x80
	DWORD _3;					//0x84
	char szAccountName[48];		//0x88
	char szPlayerName[24];		//0xB8
	char szRealmName[8];		//0xD0
	BYTE _4[273];				//0xD8
	BYTE nCharClass;			//0x1E9
	BYTE nCharFlags;			//0x1EA
	BYTE nMaxDiff;				//0x1EB
	BYTE _5[31];				//0x1EC
	BYTE nDifficulty;			//0x20B
	void *_6;					//0x20C
	DWORD _7[5];				//0x210
	WORD _8;					//0x224
	BYTE _9;					//0x226
	char szRealmName2[24];		//0x227
	char szGamePass[24];		//0x23F
	char szGameDesc[256];		//0x257
	WORD _10;					//0x348
	BYTE _11;					//0x34B

struct WardenClientRegion_t
	DWORD cbAllocSize; //+00
	DWORD offsetFunc1; //+04
	DWORD offsetRelocAddressTable; //+08
	DWORD nRelocCount; //+0c
	DWORD offsetWardenSetup; //+10
	DWORD _2[2];
	DWORD offsetImportAddressTable; //+1c
	DWORD nImportDllCount; //+20
	DWORD nSectionCount; //+24

struct SMemBlock_t {
	DWORD _1[6];
	DWORD cbSize; //+18
	DWORD _2[31];
	BYTE data[1]; //+98

struct WardenClient_t {
	WardenClientRegion_t* pWardenRegion; //+00
	DWORD cbSize; //+04
	DWORD nModuleCount; //+08
	DWORD param; //+0c
	DWORD fnSetupWarden; //+10

struct WardenIATInfo_t
	DWORD offsetModuleName;
	DWORD offsetImportTable;

struct AttackStruct
	DWORD dwAttackType;			//0x00
	UnitAny* lpPlayerUnit;		//0x04
	UnitAny* lpTargetUnit;		//0x08
	DWORD dwTargetX;			//0x0C
	DWORD dwTargetY;			//0x10
	DWORD _1;					//0x14
	DWORD _2;					//0x18

struct Skill_t {
	CHAR			name[64];
	WORD			skillID;

Akara NPCEntry

0   94 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  ”.......
8   35 0D 44 0D 00 00 00 00  5.D.....
10  00 00 B0 AA B0 6F 90 BD  ..°ª°o½
18  B0 6F 00 00 00 00 00 00  °o......
20  00 00 00 00 00 00 01     .......
// Thanks to Darawk for hooking me up with this preprocessor commands!
#pragma pack(push)
#pragma pack(1)

typedef struct  {
	DWORD dwNPCClassId;
	DWORD dwEntryAmount;
	WORD wEntryId1;
	WORD wEntryId2;
	WORD wEntryId3;
	WORD wEntryId4;	
	WORD _1;
	DWORD dwEntryFunc1;
	DWORD dwEntryFunc2; 
	DWORD dwEntryFunc3; 
	DWORD dwEntryFunc4;
	BYTE _2[5];
} NPCMenu;

struct OverheadMsg {
	DWORD _1;
	DWORD dwTrigger;
	DWORD _2[2];
	CHAR Msg[232];

#pragma pack(pop)

struct D2MSG {
	char lpBuf[256];

struct InventoryLayout
	BYTE SlotWidth;
	BYTE SlotHeight;
	BYTE unk1;
	BYTE unk2;
	DWORD Left;
	DWORD Right;
	DWORD Bottom;
	BYTE SlotPixelWidth;
	BYTE SlotPixelHeight;

struct MpqTable


struct sgptDataTable
	MpqTable*	pPlayerClass;
	DWORD		dwPlayerClassRecords;
	MpqTable*	pBodyLocs;
	DWORD		dwBodyLocsRecords;
	MpqTable*	pStorePage;
	DWORD		dwStorePageRecords;
	MpqTable*	pElemTypes;
danke schonmal ;-)
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Old 03/30/2010, 23:48   #2
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was spuckt denn dein BuildLog aus ?
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Old 04/02/2010, 03:36   #3
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anti detection ist sinnlos... warden ist nur das wort für die blizzard antidetection, welche immer unprogrammierbar ist und sachen auf ALLE arten entdecken kann
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Old 04/05/2010, 00:02   #4
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Originally Posted by Diablofarmer View Post
was spuckt denn dein BuildLog aus ?
Was soll das denn ausspucken? Compilieren ist doch nicht das problem?
Später beim DLL Injecten, crasht der Reveal Act..

@Dlotan: So ein schwachsinn :-)
Schreib n Rootkit dann will ich mal sehen, was das gute alte Warden noch macht.. Ist halt ne menge arbeit den kompletten Hack als Treiber zu schreiben.. Deßhalb frag ich mich ja ob nich n simples Peb Hidding reicht?!
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