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Finding offsets for triggerbot

Discussion on Finding offsets for triggerbot within the AutoIt forum part of the Coders Den category.

Old   #1
EviLcLoWnS™'s Avatar
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Finding offsets for triggerbot

No discussing game automation or cheating(I have to say that autoit forums are so lame, i used to go there all the time). Now they cant help anyone lol?...

Well okay so i was wondering someone poster a triggerbot for firefall, and its all good, so they patched and now it wont work. Im not very exp in autoit, but can figure most things out pretty easy.

Wondering how to find the offsets in firefall here:
$sExecutable = 'FirefallClient.exe'
$hProcess = OpenProcess(ProcessExists($sExecutable))
$lol = ProcessModuleGetBaseAddress($hProcess, $sExecutable)

$stupid_offset1 = 0x01DF5352
$stupid_offset2 = 0x4
$stupid_offset3 = 0x10
$stupid_offset4 = 0x50
$stupid_offset5 = 0x4
$stupid_offset6 = 0x2bd

$ID=_MemoryOpen(ProcessExists("FirefallClient.exe" ))
IM wondering how to find them, Firefall i cant really arrow click on things, So finding the mob isent that easy, Name only pop up for a min.

full script
   #include <NomadMemory.au3>
   #include <GUIConstants.au3>
   #include <Misc.au3>
   #include <Array.au3>

   $talk = ObjCreate("SAPI.SpVoice")


$sExecutable = 'FirefallClient.exe'
$hProcess = OpenProcess(ProcessExists($sExecutable))
$lol = ProcessModuleGetBaseAddress($hProcess, $sExecutable)

$stupid_offset1 = 0x01DF5352
$stupid_offset2 = 0x4
$stupid_offset3 = 0x10
$stupid_offset4 = 0x50
$stupid_offset5 = 0x4
$stupid_offset6 = 0x2bd


if ($ID = 0 ) then
		$talk.Speak("Firefall Client not found, please start the game first!")
$talk.Speak("Rubysh's Firefall Autotrigger is now online, Checking pointers...")

$lol2 = _MemoryRead($lol+$stupid_offset1, $ID, "int[32]")
$lol3 = _MemoryRead($lol2+$stupid_offset2, $ID, "int[32]")
$lol4 = _MemoryRead($lol3+$stupid_offset3, $ID, "int[32]")
$lol5 = _MemoryRead($lol4+$stupid_offset4, $ID, "int[32]")
$lol6 = _MemoryRead($lol5+$stupid_offset5, $ID, "int[32]")
$fucking_address = _MemoryRead($lol6+$stupid_offset6, $ID, "BYTE")

$talk.Speak("All pointers found, the bot is ready, Have fun!")

$talk.Speak("Use the end button to close the bot while in the game, the bot will automaticly close it self if the client isn't running.")


func autoshoot()
While 1
    $idcheck = ProcessExists("FirefallClient.exe")
	$fucking_address = _MemoryRead($lol6+$stupid_offset6, $ID, "BYTE")

	if ($fucking_address = 1 ) then

		While ($fucking_address = 1 )

   		$fucking_address = _MemoryRead($lol6+$stupid_offset6, $ID, "BYTE")

	if ($idcheck = 0 ) then
		$talk.Speak("Firefall Client has been closed, The Autotrigger will now shutdown. Thank you for using Rauven's Firefall Autotrigger.")



Func SeDebugPrivilege()
Local $iTokenIndex = 1
Local $Struct = DllStructCreate('DWORD;int')
Local $TOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DllStructCreate('DWORD;DWORD[' & (3 * 1) & ']')
DllStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 1, 1)
While $iTokenIndex <= 1
  Local $bPrivilegeValue = DllCall('advapi32.dll', _
    'BOOL', 'LookupPrivilegeValue', _
    'str', '', _
    'str', 'SeDebugPrivilege', _ ;SE_DEBUG_NAME
    'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($Struct))
  If $bPrivilegeValue[0] Then
   DllStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 2, 0x00000002, (3 * $iTokenIndex)) ;SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED
   DllStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 2, DllStructGetData($Struct, 1), (3 * ($iTokenIndex - 1)) + 1)
   DllStructSetData($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES, 2, DllStructGetData($Struct, 2), (3 * ($iTokenIndex - 1)) + 2)
   DllStructSetData($Struct, 1, 0)
   DllStructSetData($Struct, 2, 0)
  $iTokenIndex += 1
Local $hCurrentProcess = DllCall('kernel32.dll', _
   'HANDLE', 'GetCurrentProcess')
Local $hProcessToken = DllCall('advapi32.dll', _
   'BOOL', 'OpenProcessToken', _
   'HANDLE', $hCurrentProcess[0], _
   'DWORD', 0x00000020 + 0x00000008, _ ;TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES + TOKEN_QUERY
   'HANDLE*', '')
Local $NEWTOKEN_PRIVILEGES = DllStructCreate('DWORD;DWORD[' & (3 * 1) & ']')
DllCall('advapi32.dll', _
   'BOOL', 'AdjustTokenPrivileges', _
   'HANDLE', $hProcessToken[3], _
   'BOOL', False, _
   'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($TOKEN_PRIVILEGES), _
   'ptr', '', _
   'DWORD*', '')
DllCall('kernel32.dll', _
   'BOOL', 'CloseHandle', _
   'HANDLE', $hProcessToken[3])
Func OpenProcess($iProcessID)
Local $hProcess = DllCall('kernel32.dll', _
   'HANDLE', 'OpenProcess', _
   'DWORD', 0x1F0FFF, _ ;DesiredAccess = PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS
   'BOOL', True, _ ;InheritHandle = True
   'DWORD', $iProcessID)
Return $hProcess[0]
Func ProcessModuleGetBaseAddress($hProcess, $sModuleName)
Local $ModulesMax = DllStructCreate('ptr[1024]')
Local $iProcessModules = DllCall('psapi.dll', _
   'BOOL', 'EnumProcessModules', _
   'HANDLE', $hProcess, _
   'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($ModulesMax), _
   'DWORD', DllStructGetSize($ModulesMax), _
   'DWORD*', '')
Local $sModuleBaseName
For $i = 1 To $iProcessModules[4] / 4
  $sModuleBaseName = DllCall('psapi.dll', _
    'DWORD', 'GetModuleBaseNameW', _
    'HANDLE', $hProcess, _
    'ptr', DllStructGetData($ModulesMax, 1, $i), _
    'wstr', '', _
    'DWORD', 256)
  If $sModuleBaseName[3] = $sModuleName Then Return DllStructGetData($ModulesMax, 1, $i)
Func CloseHandle($hProcess)
Local $bResult = DllCall('kernel32.dll', _
   'BOOL', 'CloseHandle', _
   'HANDLE', $hProcess)
Return $bResult[0]
ty Rubyshdj
EviLcLoWnS™ is offline  
Old 09/06/2012, 22:57   #2
Logtetsch's Avatar
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Just an example how to use offsets in AutoIT.

#RequireAdmin ; important
#include <Pointer.au3> ;or NomadMemory.au3..... You have to download it from the internet!

Global $PId = 0, $Handle = 0
Global const $Offsets[7] = [0, 0x01DF5352, 0x4, 0x10, 0x50, 0x4, 0x2bd]
Global const $Basepointer = _MemoryModuleGetBaseAddress ($PId, "ProcessName.exe") + 0x040000

While True
	$PId = ProcessExists ("ProcessName.exe")
	if $PId > 0 Then
		$Handle = _MemoryOpen ($PId)
		if IsArray ($Handle) Then
			_MemoryPointerWrite ($Basepointer, $Handle, $Offsets, "Value", "DWORD") ;Functions like "_MemoryPointerWrite, _MemoryWrite... are defined in the Pointer.au3 or NomadMemory.au3 file.

;AutoIT is canceling all handles by closing the script
Here´s the function _MemoryModuleGetBaseAddress($PID, $Module) + 0x.....
Sorry if I misunderstood your problem, but I have no pleasure to read your text.
Logtetsch is offline  
Old 09/07/2012, 00:37   #3
lolkop's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Logtetsch View Post
Just an example how to use offsets in AutoIT.

Sorry if I misunderstood your problem, but I have no pleasure to read your text.
he asked how to FIND "offsets"...

reverse engineering isn't that easy... you'll need some basic asm knowledge and an understanding, of how highlevel language compilers are working.

once you've reached that point, you won't need to find "offsets", to build some kind of professional hacks =)
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Old 09/07/2012, 22:56   #4
EviLcLoWnS™'s Avatar
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I know how to find offsets,just wondering if anyone has messed around with firefall. Too fix the trigger bot do you think im looking for pointer id's. Problem is mobs name only light up for a min then fades away.
EviLcLoWnS™ is offline  
Old 09/09/2013, 04:28   #5
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If you ever manage to get this working, it would ROCK on firefall.

Looks like someone pulled it off.

Crack it!
fire99966 is offline  

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